Part thirteen.

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Ricky woke up to his master's arms around his waist. His face was pushed against the vampire's chest and their legs tangled in the blankets. He slowly smiled at his warmth. He didn't want to move. He snuggled further into the other.

"You're awake." Angelo murmured. Ricky shook his head.

"No I'm not." Ricky mumbled.

"It's alright sweetheart. I've been up for awhile." Angelo let out a small yawn, Ricky watching him. Angelo nuzzled Ricky neck, whimpering as he found Ricky's pulse. "May I?" Ricky nodded, letting out a small gasp as Angelo started to feed.

"Master." Ricky moaned. "Please." Ricky didn't know what he was begging for at the moment. He just knew he was begging and that it was making his master hard.

"Shh darling. If you keep this up I won't be able to control myself." Angelo chucked, lightly licking the trickle of blood on Ricky's neck. "You're so sweet. Never tasted anything like it."

"Master, may I pleasure you?" Ricky asked, a blush coating his cheeks.

"Yes you may." Angelo chuckled. He let Ricky flip them, the pet straddling his hips. "Rick... Oh..." Angelo moaned as Ricky kisses down his chest. The pet obviously leaving a trail of hickeys.

"You're so... Strong." Ricky mumbled, tracing his master's body. Angelo sighed, closing his eyes. Ricky leaned down, lightly sucking on Angelo's left nipple. Angelo gasped, tangling his fingers in Ricky's hair. Ricky whimpered when he felt him tug on his hair.

"Come on sweetheart. Don't tease me." Angelo growled. Ricky whimpered, moving down Angelo's body. He pushed Angelo's pants down his body. Ricky bit his lip as he stared down at Angelo's obvious bulge. "What have I said about you and that little habit?" Angelo questioned.

"S-Sorry sir." Ricky stuttered. Angelo flipped them over, kicking his pants all the way off. He made quick work of Ricky's clothes.

"Spread your legs baby." Angelo chuckled. Ricky did as told, sighing when Angelo kissed him. He let his lips part, allowing Angelo's tongue into his mouth. "There baby. I'm going to take you now. Understand?" Ricky nodded, whimpering as he felt his master run a finger over his entrance.

"Please master. D-Don't tease me." Angelo smirked, lifting Ricky's hips and wrapping the pet's legs around himself.

"Alright sweetie. No more teasing." Angelo reached to his nightstand, and pulled out a bottle of lube. He quickly coated three of his fingers. He slowly inserted a finger into Ricky, smirking as a small moan left the pet's lips. He curled his finger, brushing against his prostate.

"Master!" Ricky cried out. His back arched as Angelo slipped a second into him. "Please please please." Angelo gently nipped at Ricky's thighs. Ricky pushed his thigh against Angelo's mouth, giving him a small nod. Angelo slowly bit into Ricky's thigh. Ricky moaned and whimpered as Angelo fed from from his thigh and fingered him. He felt Angelo slip in a third finger, grinding down on his fingers.

"Good boy. Such a good boy." Angelo took his fingers out of Ricky, lining himself up with Ricky's entrance. "I'm gonna go slow. Alright?" Ricky nodded, scrunching his eyes shut as Angelo slowly entered him. He whimpered and gasped, clawing at Angelo's back.

"Please master. D-Don't wait." Ricky begged, crying out as Angelo thrusted into him. Angelo moaned, Ricky tight and hot around his aching erection. "Yes yes yes!" Ricky cried, Angelo picking up speed.

"God. Fuck Ricky." Angelo groaned. He sloppily bit into Ricky's neck, reopening the bite marks. "Moan for me baby. I need to hear it." Ricky was all to happy oblige as Angelo licked at his neck. Ricky dragged his nails down Angelo's back.

"M-Master. C-Can I c-come?" Ricky asked, whimpering. Angelo let out a breathy yes, gripping Ricky's cock. Ricky cried out as he released onto his and Angelo's stomachs. He left out small sigh when he felt Angelo release inside him.

"Baby. You're so good." Angelo murmured as he slipped out Ricky. "Did you like that?"

"Yes sir. I really did." Ricky smiled. Angelo laid down next to Ricky, allowing the pet to cuddle into his side. "Thank you master."

"You don't have to thank me." Angelo sighed, kissing the top of Ricky's was. "I l... We need to get dressed darling."

"Why sir?" Ricky asked.

"We're going out." Angelo shrugged. "Are you okay with a leash?"

"I'm okay with whatever you want master." Angelo nodded.

"Okay sweetie. First things first. A shower."

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