Part eleven

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"You'll be fine sweetly. I promise." Angelo chuckled. He lightly kissed the top of Ricky's head.

"If you say so sir." Ricky mumbled biting his lip. Angelo sighed as he gently pulled Ricky lip down.

"Stop that. Only I can bite that lip." Ricky blushed. "Now let's go show my stupid friends what a gorgeous little pet I have." Angelo wrapped his arm around Ricky's waist dragging him downstairs. Ricky slightly shook, he's only met two of his master's friends so far. How many more did he have? He wasn't good around a group of people.

"Angelo darling! We've been waiting foreeever!" A woman jumped onto Angelo's front. Ricky felt a spark of jealousy run through him.

"Hi Ashley. Could you please get down?" Angelo chuckled as he patted the woman's black and red hair. "How did you get in?"

"Your spare key is in the same spot. All the guys are here with their little pets. And sadly I'm here all by my lonesome." Her gaze slowly moved to the shorter male next to Angelo. "Who's this sweet little thing?" She reached out to pinch Ricky's cheek only for the pet to step back.

"His name is Ricky. Please don't touch him. He's been with the wolves most his life." Angelo gently stroked the side of Ricky's head.

"Ooooooh. Makes sense. Well, don't be a sourpuss Ange. Come and mingle!!"

Sorry it's short and crappy. I've been under stress from my new school and updates may end up coming less frequently for those that actually real my story. And o thank you for the few that do. It means a lot to me.

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