Part Three

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Ricky sighed as he turned the water on.  It has been so long since he last took a shower.  Most of his other masters never let him bathe unless he was good.  A smile graced his lips for a few seconds as he stepped in.  Water hitting his back and warming his cold skin.  He was going to be good this time.  He didn't need another bad master to just throw him away. 

Ricky bit his lip as he quickly washed himself, stepping out to find Angelo standing outside the shower with a towel in hand. 

"Come here Ricky.  You're wet." Ricky slowly walked toward him, whimpering as Angelo threw the towel on his head.  "Don't be so scared of me.  I won't hurt you unless you make me."  Angelo mumbled, drying Ricky's hair. 

"I'm sorry sir."  Ricky whispered, biting his lip as Angelo lifted his face. 

"It's alright.  It's time for bed though."  Ricky nodded, blushing as Angelo dried the rest of him off.  "You'll be sleeping with me unless I say otherwise.  Tomorrow we'll go get you a collar and pick some things up from the store.  If you behave you'll get a treat when we get back.  Understood?"  Ricky nodded, making an extremely unmanly noise when Angelo picked him up. 

"M-master?"  Ricky asked, panicked and confused as to why a master was carrying him around. 

"Be quiet pet."  Angelo groaned, walking down the hallway.  Ricky tried to keep track of where they were going but soon lost track of how many turns they took.  "I did just tell you that you'd be sleeping with me correct?"

"Yes sir."  Ricky whispered, gripping Angelo's shirt.

"So stop being scared!"  Angelo growled, standing Ricky up and pushing him against the wall.  "Why are you so scared of me?"

"I-I..."  Ricky stuttered, attempting but failing to hold back choked sobs.  Angelo sighed, holding the pet to his chest.  "I'm sorry master!  Please don't punish me.  I'll be good."

"Shh little pet.  I don't know what happened to you but you'll be safe here.  I'm not going to be like your other masters."  Angelo gently ran his hand down Ricky's side, kissing the man's cheek.  " As long you don't run away you'll be happy here."  Ricky nodded, sighing as Angelo moved back from him. 

"Yes sir.  I'm sorry sir."  Ricky whispered, bowing his head. 

"Don't look at the floor.  The floor is not very interesting."  Angelo lifted Ricky's face, smirking down at him.  "Now, no more disobeying.  Understood?" 



Ricky bit his lip, Angelo's arm tightening around his waist as he slept.  He couldn't stand to sleep with his master.  It never ended well at the end of the night.  He whimpered as Angelo pulling him closer. 

"What's wrong?"  Angelo asked, his voice husky with sleep. 

"N-Nothing sir."  Ricky sighed, closing his eyes.  He clenched his hands as he was flipped onto his back. 

"Don't lie to me.  I smell the fear coming off of you."  Angelo cupped Ricky's cheek, sitting up and looking down at him.  "It's three in the morning and you woke me  up.  Tell me what is wrong."  Ricky closed his eyes, turning his head away from Angelo's gaze. 

"I have never slept with a master before.  They always want something else."  Ricky mumbled, gasping as Angelo gripped his face. 

"You're not thinking straight little pet.  Go back to sleep and I'll wake you when it's time."  Angelo sighed, kissing the pet's cheek, and standing up.  "You're too good for being scared like this." 

"But... I...  I-I'm fine."  Ricky stuttered, trying to sit up only to receive a glare from Angelo. 

"Don't argue with me Ricky.  Do as I say or you'll get in trouble."  Angelo warned, walking out the room.  Ricky laid on his back.  He knew he wasn't going back to sleep, his brain decided to become afraid that his master was going to come back in.  He laid there, awake, and waited for morning.

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