Part Two

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Ricky sighed, being jolted forward as the car suddenly stopped. He whimpered as a pair of arms wrapped around him, and kept him from falling onto the floor.

"You okay?" Chris asked in a worried tone.

"I-I'm okay." Ricky stuttering, quickly adding a sir at the end.

"Good. I told him not to stop like that with you in the car, but no one ever listens." Chris mumbled, standing Ricky up on his feet. "We have to get going. Angelo is waiting to meet you."


Ricky stumbled behind Chris, still only half awake, and not necessarily wanting to be walking around a city. He didn't even think to complain though. He could only think of the consequences. He bit his lip as a group of vampires passed by him, each holding a leash that was connected to a pet.

"Ricky, are you scared?" Chris gently gripped his arm. Ricky quickly shook his head, looking down at the ground. "Let's hurry. We can't keep Angelo waiting." Chris pulled Ricky down the sidewalk, passing several businesses and vampires. He finally stopped in front of a tall building, the doors opening by themselves when they close enough.

"Welcome to Blood Inc., we give you blood without the flood." A red head spoke, her voice high pitch and chirpy as Chris and Ricky walked towards her. "How may I help you?"

"Send me up to Angelo's office. He's expecting me." Chris spoke quickly, frowning as the woman sighed. "What's wrong?"

"He's not in the best of moods. I believe he's trashed his office by now." The woman shrugged, frowning when she noticed Ricky. "Is that his newest pet?"

"Yes. Just send us up. I can handle him." The woman shrugged, mumbling something about a 'death wish' and 'she's not responsible for their deaths'. Chris wrapped his arm around Ricky's waist, holding him close as they stood in an elevator. "Stay behind me. If Angelo is mad then it won't be a good idea for you to get in his way." Chris sighed, frowning as the doors opened. The place was completely trashed. Papers thrown everywhere, desks and chairs were broken, and a metallic smell coming from somewhere.

"I told you stay out Melissa!" A voice boomed from behind a door, and something being thrown in their general direction.

"Angelo. It's Chris. What's wrong?" Chris gently stepped around broken pieces of furniture, Ricky hiding behind him. "Come out Angelo."

"There were stupid wolves in my office earlier when you left!" Ricky hid behind Chris as someone threw a door open, storming towards them. "They were in my office! It smells like dog now!" Chris sighed, frowning down at the shorter male. Angelo always had a problem with the werewolves being around him. Most vampires did. Who really wants to smell like a wet dog?

"I have something that might make you...."

"I smell dog again. Did you bring another in here?!" Angelo screamed, glaring at Chris.

"No." Ricky whimpered, as Chris pulled him around. "He's just lived with wolves most his life." Chris chuckled, smiling as Angelo looked down at the boy.

"Who is he?" Angelo whispered, reaching out to the pet. "And where did you find him?"

"His name is Richard Olson but his previous masters have called him Ricky. He was Vic's pet before I won him." Chris chuckled, smirking at Angelo. "He's for you."

"Ricky. Hmm. A wonderful name." Angelo gently caressed the pets face, leaning down to his height. "I'm sorry you had to see this mess. I just don't like wolves." Angelo chuckled, looking up at Chris. "Thank you Chris." Angelo whispered, standing back up. "I'll take him home now. You go back to Josh and get some rest." Chris nodded, Angelo taking Ricky's hand and guiding him out the room.


Ricky yawned, tightening his legs around the vampire's waist. He had fallen asleep on the way to his house, and the master had decided to carry his new pet in. Angelo gently squeezed the pets butt, chuckling as he squirmed in his arms. Ricky shifted in his sleep, a low moan escaping his lips. Angelo chuckled, opening his front door and kicking it closed as he entered his house. He gently laid Ricky on the couch, watching as the pet clawed at his clothes.

Angelo huffed, growing confused as Ricky let out a rather loud moan. Angelo's eyes trailed down Ricky's body, smirking at the bulge in Ricky's jeans. He quickly straddled Ricky's hips, the small man slightly waking up.

"Angel. Wake up." Angelo whispered, nipping at the his ear lobe. "Wake up sweetie." Ricky slowly woke up, his eyes wide as he noticed the vampire sitting on top of him. "Good boy."

"M-Master?!" Ricky asked, confused and scared as to why the vampire was sitting on him.

"Shh, sweetie. You were moaning in your sleep." Angelo gently caressed his cheek, letting out a deep chuckle. "I thought I should wake you up."

"Oh." Ricky whispered, biting his lip as Angelo grinded down on him. "M-master." Ricky whimpered, pleasure coursing through his body. He was so sensitive since Vic hadn't touched him in a couple weeks.

"shh. Let me take care of you." Ricky nodded, he knew better than to argue with a master no matter who it was. Angelo gently unbuttoned Ricky's pants smirking as Ricky whined. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"P-Please M-master. Touch me." Ricky begged, gasping as Angelo pulled his hard dick out his pants. "A-Aa-aah!" Ricky's eyes widened as Angelo wrapped his hand around him, slowly stroking him.

"You're so sensitive to me. Are you always like this? Might have to gag you if you get any louder." Angelo smirked, watching as Ricky struggled to hold back the noises. Angelo gave a gentle squeeze to his cock, smirking as he watched the pet struggle to hold back. "Come little one. Do it."

"M-Master!" Ricky cried, thrusting into Angelo's hand as he came, his seed covering Angelo's hand. Angelo gently put Ricky back into his pants, slowly licking his hand.

"Go upstairs, and the third door on the left is a bathroom. Take a shower and come back downstairs. Okay?" Angelo gently kissed Ricky's forehead, smiling as he nodded. "I'll give you clothes later." Angelo let Ricky go, the pet stumbling upstairs.

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