Part six

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Ricky silently followed Angelo into the house. He let out a small grunt when Angelo's hand gripped his shoulder, and pushed him to his knees.

"Stay." Angelo commanded. He looked down at Ricky. The pet quickly became self-conscious, and a dark blush overtook his cheeks.

Angelo used his foot to spread Ricky's knees. He bent down and placed Ricky's hands behind his back, and straightened the pet's back a little more than it already was. Ricky watched as his master stood back up.

"I can only guess the kind of punishments you had before me. This will interesting to watch. You aren't to move from that position. No matter who comes through that door you don't move a muscle. Until I say so. Nod if you understand." Ricky nodded his head, Angelo satisfied. "Now I have a few things to do around the house. If you truly have an emergency, call for me. I don't think that'll happen though." Angelo ran a hand through his hair before turning and leaving Ricky, kneeling in the entry way.

Ricky kneeled there. Not making a sound. Not moving a muscle. He didn't even flinch when something fell above him, or when Angelo's staff open and closed the door. He didn't dare move. This wasn't that bad a punishment. He's had worse. Of course, he's had worse. He's been beaten till he couldn't walk for a week. Ricky couldn't even think of something compared to that. Yet he didn't want to push it. He didn't move to shift his weight when the tingling started.

He let out a quiet whimper. His legs were falling asleep and he couldn't do anything about it. This is what Angelo must have been talking about. The 'interesting to watch' part. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He wouldn't disobey his master this time. He's been through too much to let some tingles get the best of him. Ricky lightly clenched his right leg, his eyes snapping open as the feeling shot up his calf.

"If you ignore it for a few minutes you won't even feel it." Ricky's breath hitched as a voice suddenly sounded from next to him. "Don't worry. I won't get you in trouble. My name's Jinxx. At least that's what Master Angelo calls me. I'm the cook. I've got to be going now. Master Angelo will be here to get you when it gets dark. Hold off till then." Ricky couldn't do anything to acknowledge him. He felt bad for a second as the man walked off. He quickly recovered from the sudden one-sided conversation.

Ricky let out an inner sigh of relief as he saw his master walk towards him. He held the collar in his hands and had a smile on his face.

"Hello my pet. You did good." Angelo praised him, kneeling in front of him. He sat the collar on the floor, and gathered Ricky's hair into a makeshift bun. "Hold that there pet."

Ricky used his right hand to hold his hair in place on the top of his head. Angelo grabbed Ricky's left, placing Ricky's forefinger and middle finger against his neck. He wrapped the collar around Ricky's neck, fastening it place.

"How does that feel?" Angelo asked after Ricky wriggled his fingers out.

"It feels nice sir." Ricky smiled.

"Good. I want to you to wear this at all times except for bath time. Understand?" Ricky spoke his understanding as he fingered the empty ring on the collar. Wasn't something supposed to go here? A lot of the other pets he saw had something on their's? "Are you hungry pet?" Ricky got drawn out of his thoughts by Angelo's question. He nodded, grunting as Angelo helped him stand. He fell against Angelo's chest as the tingling sensation returned.

"Sorry sir." Ricky quickly apologized, standing up straight despite the slight pain. "I've just been kneeling for awhile and I think my legs fell asleep." Ricky hurried his explanations for his actions.

"It's alright pet. Let's get you something to eat then we can talk. I don't want you to fall over. You're so skinny the wind could pick you up." Angelo chuckled. Ricky slightly frowned. None of his other masters cared about his weight. Try actually preferred him skinnier. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Angelo asked moving Ricky's hair behind his ear.

"Don't you like me skinny?" Ricky asked. His blue eyes full of innocence. "That's how all my other masters liked me." Angelo let out a sad sigh.

"That may be the case but you're unhealthily skinny. Too thin. A pet with meat on their bones is a beautiful healthy pet. You want to healthy right Ricky?" Angelo asked. Ricky quickly nodded his head. "Then let's get you some food." Angelo chuckles. He lightly kissed Ricky, a satisfied moan leaving his lips.

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