Part seven

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Ricky had a blush on his cheeks like no other. He couldn't help it either. This vampire did things to him with just a simple, and innocent gesture he couldn't even explain it. He actually wanted to be dominated by his master! It didn't help when he was pulled onto his master's lap. Ricky bit his lip when he felt Angelo's clothed bulge rub against his butt. He looked down at the floor, his cheeks even darker.

"You okay pet? Your heart just sped up." Angelo asked, concern lacing his words. Ricky nodded and smiled at him.

"I'm alright sir. Just a bit tired I guess." Ricky nervously giggled. He could barely even talk to this man! He took a deep breath and turned back to the table. Table? Right, they're about to eat. At least he is. He's not sure about his master though.

Ricky mindlessly kicked his legs, humming a little tune. He didn't notice when a pair of hands grabbed his hips. Or when Angelo placed his head on his neck.

"You smell so enticing." Angelo mumbled.  "I could just eat you up, but I won't. Not yet anyway. You still have to eat." Angelo chuckled just as a plate of food was sat down in front of them. "Thank you Jinx. Go take a break sweetie. Tell Jacob I said hi." Ricky watched as the man nodded his head and quickly left. He jumped in his seat when Angelo traced his lips.

"Master?!" Ricky asked startled. Angelo only chucked in response. He grabbed the fork and stabbed a piece of meat and brought it up to his pets lips.

"Eat. I need you strong." Angelo commanded. Ricky nodded, slowly eating.

Ricky stood in Angelo's room, alone. He was told you to wait and wait he shall. He shuffled his feet and cast his gaze to the floor when the door opened. He took his lip between his teeth as a pair of feet came into view.

"Now now Ricky. We talked about this." Angelo tisked. He placed two fingers under his pet's chin an lifted his face to meet his gaze. "What are we going to do with you?" Angelo sighed as he gently pulled Ricky's him down. "Why don't we put that mouth to better use?" Ricky blushed at his master's words and their implied meaning. He's never had a master sweet talk him before sex. They usually didn't want him to exist.

"Yes master." Ricky spoke. He quickly fell to his knees looking up at Angelo for approval. With a sharp nod from his master Ricky got to work on taking this man's pants off. Angelo smirked down at him.

"Hmm. You're such a good little pet." Angelo sighed as he kicked his pants off. He pushed his own boxers down, setting his erection free. Ricky gently grabbed his master's thighs and looked up at him. "Go on." Angelo encouraged. A satisfied moan left his lips as Ricky lightly sucked in his tip. He tangled his fingers in the man's hair, and pushed his head down on his length. He eased up when his tip hit the back of his pet's throat and he gagged on him.

Ricky slowly looked up at Angelo and batted his eyelashes. He relaxed his throat before taking his master all the way. Ricky swallowed around his master's throbbing cock, feeling the hand in his hair tighten a considerable amount. He slowly started to bob his head. Ricky dragged his tongue against the underside of Angelo's penis before lightly suckling on his tip. He smirked to himself as Angelo let out a string of moans and a few choice words slipping in along with his name. He used the tip of his tongue to tease the man's slit before going down once again.

Angelo bucked into Ricky's mouth as the feeling of his mouth once again engulfed his cock. He couldn't help the moans that slid from his lips and stopped trying to hold them back. He felt a tightening in his stomach when Ricky looked up at him. This was the fastest he's ever been to orgasming. He gave a Ricky a small warning before shooting his load into the poor pet's mouth. Ricky didn't seem to mind as he pulled back and swallowed without a second thought.

"D-did I do good master?" Ricky stuttered looking up at Angelo with hope. Angelo nodded, a noise of pleasure leaving his lips.

"You did so much better than good my dear. Now go take a shower sweetheart. It's time for bed."  Ricky nodded. He stood up leaving the room. "I'll tell a maid to bring you some clothes!!" Angelo yelled after him falling back on the bed. He sighed once more before closing his eyes in exhaustion.

Sorry for the late upload. I normally don't do these so boop! I promise to try to be more consistent with my uploads just know that unless I say it's done than it's not done. I just had a small writers problem but it's kinda fixed now. Leave a comment on how the story is going tho. I'd appreciate it. ^-^

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