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How I met him? Easy. We met when we were small kids, around seven and eight years old. He was my neighbor, and I was the shy kid next door who sat outside playing on his handheld. Why he took interest in me? Hell if I know. 

He'd just moved in next door to my family. When his parents were ready to introduce themselves to the neighbors, we were one of the first houses they came to. My parents had called me down from my room to meet them. I was introduced to their kid, who was just a year older than me. From then on, any time I sat outside on the front step, Kuroo would come over. Whether we played on our game systems or we did something physical, it was a near daily thing. He's the one that taught me how to play Volleyball. I wasn't a huge athlete like he was, but eventually all I wanted was to make him happy, so in junior high I started playing volleyball on the school's team.

That's also how I ended up falling in love with my best friend.

Word Count;193

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