{Chapter Three}

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We got to my house just to hear yelling coming from inside. I froze. 

"Wait here." I said. He didn't want to, I could tell, but he did anyway. 

When I walked in I was dragged into it right away. No hi, how was school, nothing. 

"Kenma, tell your father that spending time with his family is more important than working extra hours every week."

"Tell your mother that all that overtime makes money so I can pay bills." 

On one hand, family time is very important. On the other hand, living expenses are expensive and are only rising. 

"I…" I couldn't answer. 

"Seriously? Useless kid." My mom shook her head. 

"Well, pick one." My dad yelled. I took a deep breath and told them exactly what I thought, that both were important and they needed to find a balance.

"Fuck no, why do you do this. Why!? You always try to fucking pick both. Fucking pathetic that you can't actually pick." My mom was annoyed. 

Pathetic, see. That's how they see you. Pathetic and worthless. 

Kill yourself. 

"I'm done, I'm done. I'm done with this. Fuck you," He pointed to my mom, "and fuck you too, you stupid little fuck." He turned to me. He stomped up the stairs and mom sat on the couch. 

"Is this a bad time to ask if Kuroo can sleep over?" I asked. I got a death glare in return. 

"I don't care what you do, Kenma. Maybe that kid can teach you how to respect your mother. I guarantee he gives his parents respect." I just nodded and walked back outside to grab him. 

"All clear…" I said sadly. Kuroo walked in and slipped his shoes off at the door. We walked up to my room without a word to each other or my mom who sat in the living room. When we got to my room, I tossed my school bag and practice bag in the corner. I didn't even get a chance to change before I started crying. 

"At least it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Nothing was thrown and no one was hit." I gave a smile through the tears. 

"I'm sorry dude. I really am." 

"Don't be. There's nothing you could've done." I flopped myself on the floor against the wall. 

You deserve to be yelled at. 


After a few minutes I got up. 

"I'm gonna use the bathroom quick." I said. Kuroo looked worried. 

"Please don't…"

"You can do a wrist check when I get back." I said. He nodded and let me go. I wasn't gonna do that anyway. I was gonna hit my pen. 

I sat in there for probably five minutes, taking hit after hit. It wasn't hard, especially when it doesn't taste like weed and it tastes like matcha. 

When I thought I'd had enough I put the pen back in my pocket and headed back to my room and had Kuroo check me. 

"I think I'll be okay." I said. I was barely even crying anymore. 

"I'm still staying. I care about you too much to leave you when I know you're hurting." He said. He almost looked as if he'd start crying too. When he says things like that, it makes me want to tell him I like him. But then my brain starts going frantic.

He'll leave if he knows you like him. 

He doesn't care if you're hurting or not. 

"I'm sorry…I don't mean to make you worry so much…"

Hide it better

"Hey, it's okay, I just wanna be here for you. I hate seeing you sad."

All just pity. No one cares about you. 

"I'll be okay." I said again. 

Not too long after that I felt the weed kicking in. The euphoric feeling it gave me was all I needed to calm down and maybe fall asleep.

"Are you ready to sleep?" I asked. 

"Whenever you are." He replied. I got up off the floor, slightly stumbling because my legs were kind of asleep, and plopped down in my bed. Kuroo pulled out the trundle that was under my bed. He stayed awake until I was in a dead sleep.

Word Count;699

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