{Chapter Eleven}

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I woke up the next day in the third year room with Kuroo. Bokuto ended up there too. 

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Kuroo was already awake and ready. 

"Okay, I guess. How…why is Bokuto up here too?" I pointed at Bokuto, who was still out cold. 

"Last night was rough. He wanted to be here in case either of us needed him." 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 'Either of us' sounded like he was struggling too. 

"I'll be fine. You worry about you for now."

"You sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure. We need to talk though…" 

"Outside in 5." I said. I got up and got dressed quick and headed outside. Kuroo was already waiting. 

"Talk about?" I asked. 

"How bad is it?" He asked. I just showed him. 

"Bokuto told you?"

"He told me a few things." He said, looking at the cuts. He was making sure they weren't going to get infected or reopen easily. 

"A few things?" I asked nervously. 

"Mmhm. He explained it a bit, and I did some of my own research. It's not addictive, there's no deaths linked to it that I found, it's safer than tobacco, and a lot of people actually use it the way you've been so if it helps, I think it's okay for now. He also said it tastes like matcha?" He gave a confused look at that last one. 

"Hold the button and inhale. Don't be like Bokuto and take a huge hit your first time. You'll cough a lung out." I handed it to him. 

"What the fuck - how?" He looked at the pen in disbelief. 

"I don't know, but there's other flavors too. Orange Creamsicle, pineapple, ones that taste like just weed. Kinda cool if you ask me." I took it back and hit it. 

"Okay then…also, Bokuto…he told me some of the things you'd said last night. Kenma, I…I really do care about you. I don't know what I'd do without my best friend."

You're stuck in the friendzone, sucks to suck. 

"I…I'll try and remember that." I said. He pulled me into a tight hug as if it'd be the last. 

"Lovebirds." We heard a voice behind us. Of course, Bokuto walked out. 

"Bo, you know we're not a thing." Kuroo rolled his eyes.

"I know." He sighed. It almost sounded like he was annoyed.

That makes me feel like it was final though, and I didn't even have to ask. I guarantee he doesn't like me back at this point.  

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"It's about time to head to breakfast. So you might wanna grab your shit." 

"Oh…I guess it is about time." Kuroo said as he looked at the time on his phone. We rushed in to grab our bags and then met back outside to go get breakfast.

Word Count;479

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