{Chapter Thirteen}

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~Kuroo's P.o.V.~

I didn't want to leave him. I knew he was scared and I felt like such a shitty friend for letting him go alone. 

"I'm back…" I said as I walked in the house. My mom was in the kitchen baking something. Not sure what it was, but it smelled really good. 

"Hey, how'd it go?" Mom asked as she gave me a hug. 

"Not bad." 

"Not bad? Come on, tell me more. How many wins did you have? How's Bokuto? Make any new friends?"

"Not sure, Bokuto is good, and no." 

"Are you okay? You're not your usual self."

"Kenma…" I told her everything that was going on. She already knew some things, but I went into more detail. 

"I'm scared…I can't lose him. I…Mom, I love him. There's so much I want to do with him." I came out to her on the spot. I knew she wouldn't care, she's always been the most accepting person ever. She pulled me into a hug and let me cry. 

I've loved Kenma for a while now. The way his hair falls in front of his face when he's gaming, the focus he gives on the court, the way he talks to me and looks at me. It's always been him. 

Yeah, me and Bokuto had a thing going on for a while, but we decided we were better as friends. He became a person I could confide in and trust. I usually went to him for advice with Kenma. He says I should just ask him out but…I don't know.

I headed to my room and unpacked everything. I felt like I couldn't sit still. I had to keep busy. I did this all night until my phone went off. 

I love you❤️

I…what? That's not like him. Fuck…

I ran over to his house as fast as I could. I unlocked the back door with the hidden key they left in the porch light and ran up into his room. He sat on the floor with a blue bottle next to him. 

"Kenma, what the fuck were you thinking?!" I dropped to the floor next to him. 

"You know exactly what I was thinking." 

"What the fuck did you take?"

"Whatever the fuck is in that bottle." His words were slurred. I picked up the bottle and tried to figure out what it was, but found nothing. I Googled basic overdose symptoms. The site also gave me basic symptoms for being high. Luckily, it looks like he's just high because he's responding to me and breathing normally. 

"I…what happened? I told you to call me." I started crying and pulled him into my arms. 

"I made a bad split second decision while I was mentally and emotionally unstable, physically in pain, and exhausted." 

"What did they do?" I held him tighter. 

"They went through my room while we were at camp. They found empty cartridges for my pen, took video games away indefinitely, accused you of being the one supplying me with that shit, once I started crying because I was pissed at myself they hit me for crying." 

"Kenma, I'm so sorry."

"Kuro, I did this. Not you."

"I…I know. You just…get some sleep. We'll talk when this wears off. I'll be right here by your side." I didn't think it was a good idea to talk about this stuff when he was high out of his mind. I helped him move to his bed and sat there until I knew he was asleep. That's when I called Bokuto. 

"Hey, Kuroo, what's up?" He answered. 

"Bo…" I was trying to hold it together but my voice cracked and I was going to start crying again. 

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