{Chapter One}

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"K-Kuroo, can you…Can you come over?" I tried to hide the fact that I was crying again. 

"Be there In 5. Do you need me to stay on the phone till I get there?" He asked. 

"Please." I cried. I was in the middle of a depressive episode. Intrusive thoughts hit me like a rogue wave. 

I muted my call and took a hit from the THC pen I had to try and get myself high enough that I didn't care. 

The intrusive thoughts just kept coming. Thoughts about death and suicide. Thoughts telling me to hurt myself, cut, try and overdose on whatever pills I could find laying around the house. Thoughts that called me names that I've heard from kids at school or my parents. 

I just ripped hit after hit until I heard the line go dead and my bedroom door open. I hid the pen in my hoodie pocket. Kuroo doesn't know I do this. 

"How long did you wait to call me?" He asked. 

"Probably an hour." I cried. 

"Did you…?" He trailed off. 

"No…but I want to. I really want to." I cried even harder. He sat closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed onto the sleeves of my hoodie and curled in tighter on myself. 

"Another fight?" 

"It was bad." I sobbed. 

It was only bad because you're such a fuck up.

"How bad?" Instead of talking I just pushed my sleeves up to reveal multiple bruises that were forming. 

You deserved it. 

My parents aren't always shitty. When they're not fighting, they're actually pretty chill. Lately they've been fighting a lot, and I end up dragged into it. 

They want me to pick sides. When I do, the parent I don't agree with gets mad and starts screaming louder. When I don't make a decision at all, they both get mad.

Sometimes these fights escalate to throwing things, hitting, name calling, all of it. 

"Anything that needs to be treated?" He asked. 

"Not that I know of." I shook my head. It was at that moment the million hits I had hit all at once. I might have hit a little too much, but I didn't care. It got the voices to calm down. 

"What can I do?" He asked. 

"Just be here." I said. 

He stayed until I eventually fell asleep where I was sitting.

Word Count;405

Six Pills - A KuroKen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now