{Chapter Nine}

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I woke up early again so I could get ready without questions about my arms.

"Hey, let's go, I'll race you to the cafeteria." Kuroo popped his head into the room. I gave a small smile and hopped up to meet him outside. I saw him there next to Bokuto. 

The three of us sprinted to the cafeteria. Kuroo won and Bokuto came in second. I honestly wasn't really trying. 

"Little slow for an athlete." Kuroo joked. I knew it was a joke but it still kind of upset me. 

"I'm just small." I said back, trying to hide the fact that I was upset by it. 

Too slow for an athlete, hm? And to think, you're somehow the team's control tower. 

I ignored it, got my food and sat down to eat. 


I ended up getting subbed out during our third match. My head just wasn't where it needed to be to play decently. 

You let your team down.

All my sets were off. 


I was missing most of my receives. 


I tried to just ignore them. I tried to focus on the game in front of me. 

"Hey, you alright?" Bokuto sat down beside me. He'd just finished up a game against Ubugawa. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just got tired and wasn't as accurate. I'll be back in after I've rested up a bit." I lied. 

"Alright, how's the game going anyway?" He asked. 

"Not bad. It's the third set and we're winning it so far." 

"I still get amazed at some of Kuroo's spikes. So much power behind them." 

"Yeah, he's…he's pretty amazing." I gave a small smile. 


That night at individual practice, we decided we wanted to work on some serves and receives. I needed to work on both. 

I decided I wanted to mostly work on receives though. I just had Kuroo and Bokuto sending spikes down. Even as a setter, you have to be at least somewhat decent at just about everything. Opponents will do anything to score a point, and making the other teams setter take the first hit is one of the best strategies out there. 

After while, my arms felt like they were on fire. I wanted to cry. 

"I'm done for the night. Kuroo, you coming with?" 

"I'm gonna stay here for a bit longer, but I'll be there in a bit, okay?" He replied. I just nodded and grabbed my things


Once I was showered and in bed clothes, I decided to sit outside and vape for a bit. Should help me fall asleep.

I quickly hid it when I saw Kuroo and the rest of the guys walking back.

"You alright?" Kuroo asked when he got to the building. 

"I'm fine, just wanted to sit outside for a bit." I shrugged. 

"Why don't we go in? It's getting late."

"I'll be in in a bit." I said. He just nodded and walked in with the rest. Well, except one. Bokuto sat down next to me. 

"We…we should talk." 

"About?" I didn't think I did anything wrong? Is he mad? Is he disappointed or something? Are him and Kuroo fighting?

"I…I know more than you think I do."

Word Count;536

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