{Chapter Two}

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The next morning, well a few hours later at 7am, I woke up in my bed to my alarm. I guess Kuroo moved me. 

I hit my vape before doing anything else, knowing it would hit in a few minutes. I did that and then showered and got dressed, hit it a few more times, and then went outside to see Kuroo sitting on my front step.

"Morning." I said sleepily. 

"Morning, how are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Been better." I shrugged. I was only okay now because I was high, once I come down the thoughts are gonna hit me like a truck and I know it. 

"If you need me at school, text me. I'll be where you need me to be." He said. I just nodded and then we headed off to school.


By lunch time, I was pretty much sobered up and the voices slowly came crawling back in. 


I shook the thought and pulled out my 3DS, hoping some Pokemon Sun could distract me. 

"Hey, you doing okay?" Kuroo came up behind me. I hated when he did that, though I'd never tell him. 

"I mean…no. I'm struggling, but yeah I'll be fine." 

"I'm sleeping over tonight." He said as he grabbed the back of the chair next to me and sighed. 

You're a burden on everyone. 

Kill yourself.

"You really don't have to, I'll be okay." I said, knowing I couldn't guarantee that. 

"Kenma, what happened last time I didn't?" He asked. 

Do it again.



"I'm staying over."

"Kuroo, I-"

"Hey, what's going on guys?" Lev came over and interrupted us. 

"We'll talk about this later," Kuroo looked at me, "not much, what's up with you?" He then turned to Lev.

"Did I interrupt something? I can go."

"It's fine, we can talk later." I reassured, not wanting to deal with that conversation right now anyways. Kuroo finally sat down next to me and pulled out his bento, also handing me one. When I have episodes he'll bring me one because he knows I won't bring or buy one myself. I tend to starve myself when these happen. 

"Do I have to?" I asked quietly. Only Kuroo heard me. He shot me a look that said 'if you don't, I swear to God I'll shove it down your throat'. I sighed and started eating it. 


Once school ended I hid in the bathroom before I went to volleyball practice. It wouldn't be the first time I played high, and surely wouldn't be the last either. 

I then headed to the club room to change. I kept my team jacket on, even though Coach doesn't like it when we do. I didn't want to see the old scars. 

I didn't bother to wait for Kuroo to be done changing, I just went out to the gym and stood against the wall while some of the other guys messed around on the court.

"Hey, any better - Woah your eyes are bloodshot, are you okay?" Kuroo cut himself off. 

"Yeah…I'm fine." I'm high, of course I'm fine. 

"You look like you were crying, Ken." 

"A little, but I'm fine." I said. I went along with it. Before anything else could be said, Coach Nekomata walked in and called everyone over to huddle around the bench.

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