{Chapter Four}

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The week flew by faster than I thought it would. Here I was, walking to the gym with Kuroo with all of our things for the week long training camp. 

This past week has honestly not been too bad mental health wise. I haven't had another breakdown, haven't needed to call Kuroo, none of that. I was hitting the vape pen a lot though, and I was hiding some of the smaller thoughts, but it's fine. 

When we got to the gym, most of the other guys were already there with their things. Coach Nekomata was checking people off his checklist as they were coming in, hoping everyone would be here on time. I kinda think Lev is gonna be the one holding us up though. 


As I predicted, Lev was about fifteen minutes late. He's lucky we budgeted in time for that. Once he was here, Coach Nekomata did a final headcount and got everyone and all their things into the bus.

I sat in the back with Kuroo. We both brought our 3DS systems so we could trade Pokemon and battle in Sun and Moon. We intentionally got opposite games so we could get game exclusives and finish the pokedex. 

The ride wasn't that long, maybe an hour? We got a few battles in, and I kicked ass. My level 100 shiny Goodra is badass. 

We unloaded the bus right away into the dorms we'd be staying in. The whole team shared a floor. There were 5 rooms per floor. One for the coach and advisor, one for our managers, and one for each year. Unfortunately, that means Kuroo and I are in separate rooms. 

Today, since it's the first day, the plan is to just mingle with the other teams, play games, and make new friends. Fine by me, I guess. 

We were put into our groups and then sent right to lunch. My group ended up consisting of Hinata from Karasuno, Bokuto and Konoha from Fukurodani, and Lev and I. I don't know Hinata and Konoha at all, but Bokuto and Kuroo are friends because of previous camps. 

Thankfully, they didn't make us sit in those groups at lunch. I sat with Kuroo, as usual. 

"So, who all is in your group?" I asked. 

"I got Akaashi, Tsukishima, Daiki, Nishinoya, and of course myself. I heard you got the little ball of energy from Karasuno." He laughed. 

"Yep. That should be fun, especially paired with Bokuto's high energy." I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, you're fucked." He said. He then dragged me into the line to grab food. He didn't make me get a lot, but he wanted me to eat something. 


Bokuto led our group outside, knowing we'd probably be loud. I mean, I don't know about the others, but I know Bokuto is loud and Hinata is Karasuno's hyper ball of energy. Mixing their energy does not sound like a great idea to me. 

I sat against the wall of the building and Bokuto sat next to me. He thinks I'm just shy, so having someone I know nearby would help. No dude, I'm just a depressed bitch. 

"So…what are we doing first?" Hinata asked. I just shrugged and pulled my 3DS from my pocket. 

"Well, maybe introduce ourselves first." Bokuto suggested, "Kenma, why don't you start?" I shot him a death glare. 

"Kenma Kozume. 2nd year at Nekoma. I play setter." I went back to my game. 

No one's going to want to talk to you anyways. 

Always have your head in a game, freak. 

I sat and listened to everyone else introduce themselves. I was most surprised with Hinata. His height and being a middle blocker, he's got potential to be an amazing player. 

Unlike you. 

I kept trying to distract myself with my game until it was rudely snatched out of my hand while I was trying to chain for a shiny Riolu. 

"Join in the fun, Kenma! Off the game, I'll tell Kuroo." He threatened. 

"Tell him then?" I rolled my eyes. I really didn't care. 

"Either way, we're playing a game. It's basically truth or dare….but only truths…" Bokuto explained. 

"20 questions." I corrected him. 

"I mean, I guess? My friends and I used to just call it Truth or Truth. But we can go with that too." He scratched the back of his head. 

"Okay then, I'll go first. Bokuto…um…when's the last time you went on a date?" Hinata asked. 

"Last month? Probably?" He guessed. I'm gonna guess it's been longer than that. 

"With who?" Konoha asked. 

"None of your business. What's the last secret you told someone?" He directed that one at Konoha. 

"OK, not cool." 

"You gonna answer? Or are we chickening out on this one?" Bokuto laughed at him. 

"Yeah, no. I'm chickening out. Lev, how many people have you dated?" 

"Yeah, none." Lev shook his head. 

"Even I didn't know that one." I said. 

"Eh. I don't talk about my non-existent dating life often. So, Kenma, if you could prank anyone, who would it be and what would you do?" 

"You already know the answer to that. Kuroo. As for the prank, that's a secret because if I ever want to go through with it you and Bokuto can't keep your mouths shut." 

"Okay, that's fair." Bokuto laughed. 


We went on like that for a while. It was starting to get boring. I was zoning out and not paying attention to anyone else's turns. 

"Kenma, what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?" Hinata asked. Oh shit. 

I was honestly not sure what to say, because quite honestly the stupidest things I've done is try to off myself, the cutting, the weed, and falling in love with someone that'll never feel the same. Do I come out and expose my crush on Kuroo? Do I show my mental issues?

"Kenma~ earth to Kenma." Bokuto waved a hand in front of my face. 

Do it. Be an idiot. Pull out the vape pen, I dare you

So…I decided to give into one of them. Not like I could really sneak away to hit it. So why not just do it.

"This." I shrugged, pulled out the vape, and took a hit.

Word Count;1042

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