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    I woke up to Steve in the shower and music blaring. "Morning, Steve." I said groggily. "Morning, princess." he beamed. "You're up early." I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. "It's 9:00. What are you talking about?" he puzzled. 9:00? It was 9:00? No way. "Is it really?" I questioned. "Yeah, you slept in for a while." he told me. "Well, then. I should probably get up and get ready." I perplexed. "Yeah, probably. You slept through breakfast. Now talk about awkward." he laughed. I smiled and stood up. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed out a light blue t-shirt and a pair of black jean shorts. I slipped them on and walked into the bathroom. I opened the drawer next to the sink and grabbed my hairbrush. I started brushing my hair while deciding what to do with it. "So, you ready to go to Rink-O-Mania with Will, Mike, and El?" Steve asked as he grabbed his towel and stepped out of the shower. "Yeah. I'm just not excited for the skating part." I told him. "Why not? Who doesn't like to skate?" he puzzled. I raised my hand as I started brushing my teeth. "You are crazy. I mean, why are you even going?" he asked. "Because I want to hang out with Will and Eleven." I said with a mouth full of toothpaste. "Okay, hold on. Stop what you're doing for a second." Steve hesitated. I took the toothbrush out of my mouth and spit out the toothpaste. Luckily for me, I was done brushing my teeth. "So, you're going to Rink-O-Mania even though you don't like to roller skate specifically so you can hang out with Will and Eleven who are going to be roller skating the whole time?" Steve queried. "Well, it's not that I don't like skating necessarily. It's just that I...can't...skate." I dragged out my last sentence a little. "Wait, wait, wait. The Y/n Byers...can't roller skate?" Steve puzzled. I nodded my head hesitantly. "Well, I'll teach you. Today in fact. We are going to a roller rink." he told me. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I walked back over to the dresser and pulled open the drawer full of our socks. I grabbed out my pair of white ones and then grabbed my pair of black converse placed neatly beside the dresser. I slipped them on and laced them up and grabbed my backpack which I used mainly for school, but now I wouldn't be needing it for that until September came back around. I walked downstairs to see Mike, Eleven, and Will sitting on the couch holding plates which were covered with crumbs. I walked into the kitchen to see mom talking to Murray. "Morning, mom." I smiled as I grabbed a glass cup from the shelf. "Oh, morning, honey." she said as she turned around. I pulled out the orange juice from the refrigerator and poured some into my glass. "Morning, Mrs. Byers." Steve smiled as he hugged me from behind giving me more butterflies than anyone could count on two hands. "Morning, Steve." Mom grinned. "How'd you two sleep?" she asked. "Okay." I told her. "I slept pretty good myself." Steve smiled.  "Well that's good to hear. Don't forget, you're going with the kids to Rink-O-Mania in a couple hours." Mom reminded us. "We know." I smiled and took a drink out of my glass of orange juice.

    I finished eating my bagel and went into Jonathan's room. His door was closed so I opened it. The room was filled with smoke and Jonathan was scrambling to hide something. "What was that?" I puzzled. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." he gushed. "Uh huh. Sure." I rolled my eyes dragging out the last word. I knew he was sm0king. It wasn't that hard to figure out. "Smoking?" I questioned. "No, I would never." Jonathan protested. "Whatever. Let's go. You have to drop us off." I told him. "Yeah, I'll be right down." he smiled. I walked back downstairs and grabbed my backpack. "You ready to learn how to roller skate?" Steve asked. "Yes, sir. Can't wait." I smiled. Jonathan walked downstairs and we all walked out the door. "So, Argyle has to pick us up because my car doesn't work, if that's okay with everyone." Jonathan told us. "Yeah." the rest of us chorused. A few minutes later Argyle pulled up in a large yellow pizza van. We all got in and I had to sit on Steve's lap because there was one less seat than we needed. Luckily, he was my husband, so it wasn't like it was weird or anything.

His Favorite Flavor//Steve x Fem!Reader//Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now