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    I woke up in a small grey room and sat on a wooden bench with my hands cuffed behind me. "Who are you?" One of the Russians asked. I didn't answer him. "Who are you?" he repeated. He walked a step closer to me. "Who are you?" he asked again a little more agitated. "I won't tell you." I mumbled. "What was that?" he asked. "I won't tell you!" I yelled lifting my head towards him. He was quick to slap me across the face. "Don't touch me." I said. "Tell me who you are?" he asked again. "Tell me who you are first." I said. "I'm afraid I can't do so, young lady. So...why don't you tell me who you are." he begged. "No." I mumbled. "Excuse me?" he asked. "No!" I yelled. Again, he was quick to slap me across the face. "At least tell me who you work for." he said. "Scoops Ahoy." I answered. He nodded his head to the side and one of the Russians standing to the side punched me across the face. I winced in pain and tried to move my arm towards my face, completely forgetting my hands were cuffed, only to not be able to. "You really think I just dress up like a sailor for no reason?! Of course, I don't! I work for Scoops Ahoy!" I yelled. This time, it wasn't a punch to the face, but instead to the stomach. "How did you get in?" the man asked. I, like the man slapping me, was quick to remember what Steve and I had talked about if they found us and asked us this question. "My delivery didn't come, so my friends and I came out to the dock to look for it. We went into the room and it turned into an elevator which led us here when it dropped. We were confused, so we started exploring thinking maybe it was some package-holding facility. But I promise, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us. You can just let us go. And I won't tell anybody. We won't tell anybody, all right? Things happen, life always goes on. And ice cream. Ice cream, okay? You guys know what ice cream is. Everybody absolutely loves ice cream. Just please let me go." I pleaded. The man bent over and put his hands on his knees and looked up at me. "Who do you work for?" he asked again. "I just told you. Scoops ahoy." I smiled weakly. A sharp right hook to the face. My nose started bleeding. I think it had broken because I was in immense pain. I started screaming at the top of my lungs and crying from all the pain I was in. "What...is...your...name?" The man asked again. "I...won't...tell you!" I yelled still in agonizing pain. He nodded his head to the side and another sharp left hook was sent straight at my jaw. Then everything went black. I woke up and I was being dragged down a dimly lit hallway to another room. I kept my head hung low, so they wouldn't suspect I was awake. I didn't move or do anything. I just let myself be dragged, my shoes squeaking across the floor. Then I was being thrown through a door alongside Robin and Steve onto the ground of another room. "Get your hands off me!" Robin yelled struggling to get out of their grasp. "Steve. Steve." I said trying to sound groggy as I tried to wake him up. "Hey. Steve?" Robin attempted to wake him up as well. "He's out cold." I whispered. "Steve. Steve." she started trying to wake him up as well. "What did you do to him? What did you do?" I asked yelling at the top of my lungs. I got backhanded quickly. He ordered the other men to do something in Russian. Then they started walking towards us. "Don't touch me." Robin grunted. "Get your hands off of him!" I yelled as they started to pick him and I up. "Steve." Robin said. They threw us in chairs and then tied us together. "Steve, wake up. Steve." Robin called. "Steve, wake up! Steve!" I yelled, but he didn't even bat an eye. "What did you do?!" I asked, still yelling. The one in charge lifted his head up by his hair. "Don't touch him." I fumed. "Steve? Steve, can you hear me?" Robin asked. "I think your friend needs a doctor. Good thing...we have the very best." he said bending over in front of Robin and I. All the soldiers, including the officer, began laughing. Robin spit directly into his eyes and all the laughing stopped. The officer wiped his eyes clean as I smirked. "You're going to regret that, little b!tch." he told her. "Hey! Don't call her that!" I yelled. "Or what?" he asked slightly laughing. "Or else." I scowled and he stood back up and all the soldiers walked out with him. "B*st*rds! Let us outta here!" Robin yelled. "B*st*rds! Let us out! Let us out!" she continued. The door closed and we sat waiting for something to happen or someone to walk in. "Steve. Steve." I called trying to wake him up. "Y/n. I'm sorry, but you need to give up. He's obviously not waking up any time soon." Robin told me. "Shut up!" I yelled. "Steve! Wake up! Now!" I yelled. 

His Favorite Flavor//Steve x Fem!Reader//Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now