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    I woke up the next morning extremely sick. I ran to the bathroom puking. I felt terrible. The only thing was I wasn't in my bathroom. I was in Steve's. "Good morning, Y/n." he smiled as he walked in with a water in his hand. "Not a good morning. I feel horrible." I groused. Steve laughed a little, "Your first hangover sucks." he said. Hangover? I don't remember drinking last night. "Hangover?" I puzzled. "You don't remember? We had a bunch of whiskey and then came back to my room." he informed me. "Wait, did we..." I asked. He nodded his head. (You can either say he nodded yes or no, it really doesn't matter to me.) I sighed and drank some water. "You'll get over it soon if you just drink a lot of water." he told me. "Thanks." I smiled and took another drink of water. "Crap!" I yelled as I remembered I never called my mom. "What?" he asked in a sort of panic. "I didn't tell my mom I came over. I need to leave." I told him. "Ok, why don't you put on your clothes and I'll take you home." he offered. "Thank you, but I can just run home. I can't tell her I stayed the night here anyways." I said. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow at work then." he smiled. "See you at work." I smiled finishing putting on my jean jacket. I ran out the door and straight to my house. I opened the door and ran in my room. "Where have you been?" My mom asked angrily. "I stayed the night with one of my friends. I forgot to call, I'm so sorry." I spilled. "I swear to god, Y/n. You can't forget to call me. You had me worried sick." she said as she calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry, mom. It was just kind of a spur of the moment thing." I smiled. "I hope you at least had fun." she grinned as she walked out to the living room. I smiled and changed into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. 

    The rest of the day I spent watching movies, eating snacks, and drinking loads of water. "Y/n, Steve's calling!" Mom called. "I'll be right there!" I called back. I paused my movie and ran to the living room and grabbed the phone. "Hey, Steve." I smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow. I had a lot of fun last night." he said. "I'd love to, but my mom was really mad I didn't call, so most likely I won't be able. I had fun though to. And don't even think about telling me to sneak out." I told him. "I wasn't going to, but talk to your mom please. I'd like to meet her anyways, so maybe we could plan out a dinner for tomorrow night and talk." he suggested. "I'll ask, but don't be surprised when I call back and tell you she said no." I said. "Fine. Call me back as soon as you get an answer though. I love you. Bye." he ended. "Love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone and ran to my moms room. "Hey, do you think we could have dinner with my boyfriend here tonight? I really want you to meet him, because I don't think you formally have." I asked. "Yeah, what time?" she asked. "How about 6:00?" I suggested. "Sounds good. Now go enjoy your movies." she smiled. "Thank you!" I cheered. I ran back out to the living room and called Steve back. In less than a second I heard, "Hey. What'd she say?" I laughed from how quick he picked up. He had probably been waiting for the call though. "She said yes. See you at 6. I love you. Bye." I ended as I blew a kiss into the phone and hung up.  

His Favorite Flavor//Steve x Fem!Reader//Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now