Some Reason

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{WORD COUNT: 1,700}


So I did have to change some lines out so they would make more sense to fit the story, but sorry if you don't like that. When you read a Steve x Reader book you kinda signed up for it. :)


    We were crouched under the Upside Down Skull Rock to hide away from the bats. I prayed they wouldn't figure out how to get to us, but the way our luck has been the last 3 and a half years, they probably will. I held Steve's hand the whole time, my anxiety still through the roof. "Oh...okay." Robin whispered as the bats cleared away. "That was close." she sighed. "Yeah. Too close." Eddie agreed. "Oh, sh..sh1t." Steve panted falling onto a rock. "Steve, are you okay?" I panicked, still whispering so I didn't draw the attention of the bats back toward us. "Steve?" Nancy puzzled and ran back toward us. "Jesus." she worried. "I'm fine. I'm fine." he tried to tell her. "No, no, no, no, no. You're not. You're losing a lot of blood. Come on, sit. All right?" she told him and he fell to the ground against the wall slowly. "All right." she mumbled. His hand was covering the wound from the bat bite. He pulled his hand away to reveal one of the worst wounds I'd ever seen in my life. "Oh..." Robin cringed. "Does anyone have anything we could use to sew it?" I asked. "Not at the moment, no." Nancy answered. "Okay, so, uh, the good news here is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies. But, uhm, if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling really aggressive like you wanna punch me or something, let me know." Robin told him. "Robin." Steve whispered. "Yeah?" she answered. "I kinda wanna punch you." he told her. She chuckled "Sense of humor's still intact. That's a good sign." she laughed. "Yeah." he said. Nancy had finished ripping off part of her shirt and Robin and I backed away while Steve lifted his hands in the air. "You ready?" she asked. "Just do it." he told her. She wrapped the piece of the ripped shirt around his abdomen. "Sorry." she whispered. "It's okay." he responded. Not gonna lie, I was kind of jealous and upset she was doing it and not me. I mean, she's really up close to him, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I mean, yeah, I'd still be uncomfortable if it were me doing it, but at least I wouldn't feel uncomfortable about how close she is to my husband. She tightened the cloth around his stomach and he grunted from the pain. "Too tight?" she asked. "No, that's good." he told her. "All right." she said and tied the ends of the fabric. "Thanks." he smiled. "Yeah." she said. She finished tying the knot together and kind of just sat there for a minute. "Hey, we've got sh1t to do and places to go. Get a move on, would ya?" I called. "Sorry." Nancy apologized and got up. I walked over to Steve knowing Nance wouldn't be able to lift all his weight off the ground. We helped him up and saw Eddie climbing on a fallen-over tree trunk or something. "So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty sh1t?" Eddie asked. "Pretty much." Nancy told him. "Wait, watch out for the vines. It's all a hive mind." she told him as he was about to climb down. "It's all a what?" he puzzled. "All the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They're, like, one or something. You step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna." Steve explained. "Sh1t." Eddie worried as he made his way off the large, dead, fallen-over tree trunk. Or whatever it was. "But everything from our world is still there, right? Except people? Obviously." Robin asked. "As far as I understand, yeah." Nancy answered. "So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal gvns and gr3nad3s and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate." Robin suggested. "Yeah, I highly doubt that the Hawkins PD has gr3nad3s, Robin. But gvns, yeah, sure." Steve told her. "Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have gvns in my bedroom." Nancy told us. "You, Nancy Wheeler, have gvns, plural, in your bedroom?" Eddie questioned. "Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin asked jokingly. I smiled as I helped Steve stay on his feet. "A Russian Makarov and a revolver." Nancy announced. "Yeah, you almost shot me with that one." Steve reminisced a depressing memory. "You almost deserved it." she laughed. A jean vest went flying at Steve who barely had time to catch it. "For your modesty, dude." Eddie told him. "Hey, I kinda like the look he's got going." I laughed. Nancy chuckled before the whole world just started shaking. Steve grabbed me and Nancy while Eddie grabbed Robin. Steve could barely hold us both and also keep the three of us up on the ground, unlike Robin and Eddie. They fell pretty quickly. Everything stopped shaking and we were all heavily panting. Loud screeches and noises were coming from creatures in the distance. They didn't sound like nice sounds either. They were more like nails on a chalkboard awful than a cat purring. "Yeah, so gvns seem like a pretty good idea to me." Eddie said. "Yeah, me too." Robin agreed. Nancy and I walked away and Steve put on the vest he hadn't had time to before. "So what are we waiting for?" he questioned. Steve flipped on the flashlight and we started walking. 

    Nancy, Robin, and I walked in front of the boys who were slowly making their way behind us. "Couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?" Robin asked. "I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry." Nancy reassured her. "I'll just be happy to be somewhere we might even be a little safe." I said. "Me too." Robin agreed. "Eddie." Steve called. "Eddie. Hey, man. Uh..." I heard him call again. Then his voice faded away as the three of us walked further ahead and the boys slowed down. 


    "Listen, I just, uh...I just wanna say thanks. For saving my *ss back there." I thanked. "Sh1t. You saved your own *ss, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there." Eddie told me. "Ozzy?" I puzzled. "When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He-he bit a bat's head off onstage." Eddie explained. "I don't--" I was extremely confused at this point. "You know?" Eddie questioned. "No." I told him. "Doesn't matter. It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying." he implied. "Thanks." I faltered. "Henderson told me you were a bad*ss. Insisted on the matter, in fact." Eddie told me. "Wait, Henderson said that?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Sh1t. The kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. And I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually...a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a d0uche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as h3ll, by the way." he told me getting very close to my face. I pushed my shoulder out to get him out of my face and he just kept talking. "Great." I fake laughed. "Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your *ss. Not any under, uh...normal circumstances." he told me. The minute he finished his sentence a branch snapped in the distance. I pointed my flashlight towards where the sound had come from only to see nothing and hear only growling. "Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week." he complained. "Give yourself a break, man." I told him. "See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Byers right there, she didn't waste a second. Not one second." he explained pulling me off to the side. I stared at my wife who was walking and talking with Nance and Robin. "She just dove right in. Now, I don't know your history with her, but if I were you, I'd propose as quickly as possible. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen." he told me. "I already did. We're married. And it was the best day of my life the day she said 'I do.' I don't think I could live without her." I told him. "Good. Because I don't think you'll ever find better for you...than her." he finished. The ground started shaking like h3ll again, this time it felt a little bit worse. "Godd*mn it!" I yelled. I watched Y/n with a close eye to make sure she didn't get hurt. "Here we go again." Eddie fumed.

(Your POV)

    "Okay, second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is." Robin panicked. She was just sitting on the ground while Nancy was holding onto a tree for dear life. I was sitting on the ground holding onto the ground as if that was gonna do anything to save me from a 1,900.99 magnitude earthquake. Nancy started running away after pushing herself away from the tree. "Nancy! Where are you going? Nancy!" Robin yelled as she stood up, but Nance never turned around. Robin and I ran towards her and the boys followed quickly behind. "Nancy!" Robin called as we saw her stopped in a clearing. Red lightning filled the sky as the earthquake finally stopped. "Come on." Nancy said and walked towards the Wheeler's house. "Oh, sh1t. I have a feeling this won't end well for some reason." I said as we began to walk behind Nancy.

His Favorite Flavor//Steve x Fem!Reader//Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now