Out Of Here

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Btw, I know I haven't given credit, and I don't want to get copyrighted, so credit to the Duffer brothers and Netflix for the dialogue in most of the book. Also, I'll have to steal some lines from Dustin because they'll make more sense coming from Y/n now that she's a character dating Steve rather than Dustin himself. 


    "Erica, do you copy?" Robin asked over the walkie-talkie. "Mhm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?" she questioned. "Yeah, we're in position. It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light." Robin answered. Dustin, Steve, Robin, and I were on the roof overlooking the room. Dustin was using his binoculars even though we could clearly see the room from here. "Green light, roger that. Commence operation child endangerment." Erica said. "Could we maybe not call it that?" Robin asked. "See you on the other side. Nerds." Erica told us. There were grunts and groans as she squeezed herself through the small vent at the top of the wall in Scoops Ahoy. A few minutes later she started talking into the walkie-talkie again, "All right, nerds. I'm there." Robin clicked the button, "Do you -- Do you see anything?" Robin asked. "Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about." she told us. "Any guards?" Robin questioned. "Negative." Erica answered. "Booby traps?" Robin quizzed. "If I could see them, they'd be pretty sh!t traps, wouldn't they?" Erica challenged. "Thank you for that." Robin finished. Then all the noise stopped. I heard something from inside the room. It sounded like something metal falling to the ground. "I'm in." Erica told us. "Oh, god." Steve sighed in relief rubbing his hands through his hair. The door opened and Erica walked out, "Free ice cream for...life." she said. We climbed down from the roof of the building and ran into the room. Steve took out a pocket knife and cut open one of the boxes. He started opening the box and handed the knife to Dustin. A large metal box with a singular handle sat inside the box. Steve grabbed the handle and twisted it open. Something inside clicked and we knew it had unlocked. He pulled off the top to reveal four even smaller twist handles. "That's definitely not Chinese food." Steve said. He was about to open it up when he stopped and looked up at us. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back." Steve told us motioning his hand backward. Robin, Dustin, and Erica moved back a couple of steps, but I didn't budge. "No." I said. "Just...Just step back, okay?" he told me pushing his hand against my chest, trying to push me away. "No." I repeated. "Step back. Seriously." he said, but I only interrupted him, "No! No!" I yelled. "If you die, I die." I told him. Steve stared at me for a second before nodding his head and turning his gaze back toward the handles, "Fine." he huffed. He twisted one and started lifting it out. It was a container holding some sort of weird green glittering liquid. "What the h3ll?" Steve puzzled. "What is that?" Robin asked. Then the whole room started rumbling and shaking. "Was that just me or did the room move?" Dustin quizzed. "Booby traps." Erica whispered. Then it did it again. "You know what? Let's just grab that and go." Robin said grabbing the beaker from Steve. Dustin turned around and opened up the control panel while Steve dug around more in the box. "Which one do I press, Erica?" he asked pushing some random button repeatedly. "Just press the d*mn button, nerd." she asserted. "Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?" he started to panic. "Press 'open door'." she told him. "I'm pressing 'open door'." he said. "Just open the--Press the other button." Steve yelled. I started to cover my ears. I hated yelling, it scared me. And I hated that I did because I always got made fun of for it. "Guys, get out of the way so she can push the button--" Robin tried to tell them. Then they all started arguing. I just walked to the corner of the room and sat down on the ground, my knees pressed up to my chest, hands over my ears. Then the whole room started moving. The room shook a tiny bit and the arguing stopped. Then, when we thought it was over, the whole room began shaking. Erica and Robin started screaming, forcing me to press my hands over my ears even more. I saw Steve say something, but I couldn't hear what. The room just kept falling. Now everyone was screaming, but me. My ears pressed hard under my hands. My eyes tightly shut. Everyone started screaming some words, but I couldn't hear them with my hands over my ears. Then everything stopped. I opened my eyes and boxes were falling, as well as people. I was lucky I was already sat down. I uncovered my ears to see if all the noise had stopped. "My groin. It fell on my groin." Steve winced. "Dustin!" Steve yelled as Robin sighed. "Get this off me!" Steve called. "Where's Y/n?" Robin puzzled. I stood up from the corner, my eyes glassy from all the previous yelling. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled weakly. Dustin lifted the box off of Steve and threw it to the other side of the room. "I can't move." Steve strained. "Is everyone ok?" Robin asked holding the back of her head. "Yeah, I'm great, now that I know Russians can't design elevators!" Steve yelled forcing me to cover my ears again. "I think we've clearly established that those buttons don't work." Robin said after Steve ran over to the buttons to try to open the door. "They're buttons. They have to do something." Steve fumed. "Yeah, if we had a keycard." Robin called. "A what?" Steve puzzled. "It's an electronic lock. Same as the loading dock door. If we don't have a keycard, it won't operate, meaning --" Robin got cut off by Dustin. "We're stuck in here." he sighed. "Yeah." Robin finished. "Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow and my mom finds out you four are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throats." Erica informed us. "I don't care about Tina! Or Uncle Jack's party! Your mom's not going to be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" Steve yelled. My ears had been covered, so most of the voices were muffled, but not enough that I couldn't understand them. "Hey. What if we climbed out?" Dustin suggested pointing to a large trapdoor on the roof of the elevator. We lifted Dustin up towards it and he opened up the trapdoor.  Then Steve climbed up after him. "What were you saying about climbing?" Steve asked his voice echoing in the shaft. We tried for a while to figure out some way to get out before just calling it quits and going to bed. I ended up falling asleep on Steve's lap while he sat up in the corner after talking to him and Robin for about 8 hours trying to find a way to get out of here.

His Favorite Flavor//Steve x Fem!Reader//Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now