What Did You Do?

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{WORD COUNT: 1,926}


    Argyle stopped the van harshly in front of the roller rink and I got out first. Steve and everyone else climbed out after me before heading inside. We walked up to the front desk and got our skates. "Here you go. There are benches all around the rink to put your shoes on. Let me know if you need socks." the guy told us and we went and sat down at some benches. "So, you ready to fall?" Steve asked. "I guess so. I wouldn't be surprised if I fall on my face at least once." I told him. He smiled and laughed a little as he put on his second skate. "Well, I'll be there to catch you. So, I can make sure you won't fall on your face." he laughed. I smiled and got up slowly. Steve stood up a second after me and grabbed my hand. "So, walking to the rink is just like walking in regular shoes, you just have to pick your feet up a little higher." he explained. I nodded my head and we slowly walked to the rink. "Now when you're ready just step onto the rink and I'll show you how to skate." he smiled. I took a deep breath in before stepping out onto the roller rink. I had only been skating once. It was for my 7th birthday with my dad.


    I stepped out onto the rink holding my dad's hand and almost immediately fell. Mom was sitting with Will at a booth as she watched me step out. Dad helped me a lot, but only got frustrated with me when I fell, slipped, or tripped. Eventually, he just walked out of the rink and I was stuck sitting on the floor with no way to get up or move. I watched as my mom rushed to put her rollerskates on and walk to the rink. "Mommy, help me. I'm stuck." I cried as my eyes filled with tears. "I'm coming, honey. I'll be right there." she told me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I waited for her to make her way to the other side of the skating rink. "Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?" A girl with long red hair and green eyes asked me as she knelt down next to me. I didn't say anything and just continued to look at my mom. "Is that your mom over there?" she asked looking up at her. I nodded my head, still staying silent. "Here let me help you up." she smiled and took my hand helping me get on my feet. She held my hand and helped me skate over to my mom who was still coming toward us. "Thank you so much. My husband just left her in the middle of the floor." my mom thanked as the lady handed me over to my mother. "Of course. I didn't want her to get hurt. Some people here would probably just run her over." the lady said. "Yeah. Thank you again. Have a great day." Mom smiled as she picked me up and started back to the opening in the rink. We got back to the booth and mom took me and Will out to the car. Our dad followed behind her and she strapped us into the car. She shut the door and started arguing with our dad. Jonathan, who at the time was 7 as well, just held Will and covered his ears. He grabbed me as well and held us both. I was quite a bit smaller than him and even though he was the same age he could hold both me and Will kind of like a big brother would.


    "Y/n. Y/n. Hey, are you okay?" Steve asked. "Yeah, sorry. I don't know what happened." I told him and we started slowly skating out into the middle of the rink. Eleven was skating with some blonde girl and her friends. I figured it was one of her friends so I smiled. The girl was skating backward while holding Eleven's hands. Eleven looked a little worried, but I figured she just wasn't fantastic at skating. "Hey, eyes on me. Do you want to fall?" Steve asked. "Not really." I laughed and turned my gaze back toward Steve. "Hey, can we take a break? I'm a little tired." I asked. "Yeah, of course." he smiled and we skated our way slowly back to the table with Mike and Will. Mike was sitting in the booth drinking his milkshake and Will was standing up watching Eleven and the blonde chick skating looking extremely worried. "Hey, boys. What's up?" I asked as I sat down next to Mike. "Not much. Eleven went skating with some of her friends. The blonde girl is Angela and I don't know the rest of them." Mike said. "Cool. It's nice that El made some friends up here. Right, Will?" I asked. "Yeah. Real nice." he said in a rather worried tone but tried to hide it. "Everything okay, Willy?" I questioned. "Yeah, sorry." he smiled and continued standing watching the rink. I stood up next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. I was watching the rink and noticed a guy holding a camera in the middle of the rink. "Oh no." Will said. Mike stood up next to us. "What?" Mike puzzled. "El, she hasn't been telling you everything." Will told him. "What are you talking about?" Mike questioned. "She's lying to you, Mike." Will said. "Bullsh!t." Mike huffed. "No, listen to me. She's having problems here." Will told us. "Problems. Okay, what kind of problems?" Mike asked. Will paused as we looked back at the rink. Angela took El to the middle of the rink, told her something, and skated away, leaving El there by herself. (Just so you know, I will be changing part of this just because I've been planning something that I'm excited about.) The song that was playing stopped and the DJ got on the microphone. "All right, everyone. This next song is dedicated to Jane, the local snitch." he said and pointed to Eleven in the middle of the rink. "Oh no." I began to panic but waited for things to play out. He flipped a switch and a spotlight turned on directly over El. Wipe Out by the Surfaris started playing and all the girls on the rink started circling El. Then everyone started throwing their hands out like El did when she was using her powers. They all started yelling rude names at her and my face glowed red. Will and Mike looked at each other and then at me. "I'm gonna kill her." I grumbled under my breath. One of the girls made El trip and she almost fell backward. I rushed to take my skates off and by the time I did it was too late. Mike was gone and El had her ears covered crying. I looked around for Mike and he was over at the DJ station talking to the DJ. Then there was a record scratch and the music stopped. The guy who had held Eleven's milkshake for her skated over to her and threw the milkshake all over her making her fall backward. Everyone began laughing their butts off and I ran onto the rink directly to him. "Hey, *sshole!" I yelled and he turned to look at me. The minute I got close enough I punched him across the face. He bent over in pain and then ran away. I then stomped over to Angela. "Hey, Angela. I want a word with you. Right here, right now." I told her and she turned around to look at me still laughing. I resisted the urge to punch her like I did the boy. "What's wrong with you? It looks like you just painted your face red." she laughed. "Make fun of her one more time, or I punch you harder than I hit that guy. And I'll do it more than once." I threatened. "You think I'm afraid of you? You suck at skating so bad you took the skates off just to come out here and threaten me. And it wasn't even a good threat." she laughed. I slapped her across the face with all my might before taking Eleven's hand and walking off the rink. "What...did...you...do?" Will asked in a worried tone. "Put her in her place. Now, grab your shoes. We're leaving." I told them and walked with El to get our shoes. "Y/n, I don't wanna leave." Eleven said. "Alright then. We won't." I told her and pulled her into a hug. She pushed away and started running away somewhere. "El! El!" we all started yelling. Even Steve. We all started looking cause we hadn't seen where she went after that. I started looking outside with Steve while Will and Mike looked in the building. "El! El are you out here?" I yelled. "Y/n, let's just go back inside. She's clearly not out here." Steve said. "No! Maybe she just ran back to the house. I'll call Jonathan and then mom. Just...keep looking. Please." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Steve nodded and kept looking while I walked over to the payphone. I called Jonathan and he said he was on his way. I didn't call mom because I knew she would get extremely worried, and I didn't need that right now. I walked back inside with Steve when he told me she was nowhere to be found. We walked over to Will and Mike who were at the booth waiting to see if maybe she'd just magically appear. "Any luck?" Mike asked. "I'm sorry." I frowned and he nodded his head sadly. Then the employee's only door opened and out came Eleven. "Eleven!" we cheered, but she had other plans. She walked right over to Angela and they started arguing. Mike was about to go over but I put my arm out to stop him. He looked at me with an angry glare trying to tell me to let him go. "Wait." I told him and he backed off. The four kids walked away and El stood crying for a second before looking walking angrily back toward them. She stole a roller skate from a guy trying to put it on. "Angela!" Eleven yelled and when the blonde turned around El hit her directly in the face with the skate. Angela started screaming and she was on the ground. My eyes went wide and Mike pushed passed my arm running over to El with Will. I followed closely behind and Steve followed behind me. The girls nose was split open between her brows and blood was gushing down the bridge of her nose. "Holy sh!t." I mumbled. "Oh, my god. Oh my god, what do we do?" one of the boys panicked. "Oh, sh!t." the other worried. Angela, who was confused as heck, touched her nose noticing the blood dripping from her cut. El looked down at the roller skate in her hand, her whole body shaking like crazy from anxiety. People crowded around to see what happened and Mike, Will, Steve, and I pushed our way through the crowd. Will and Mike stood behind Eleven, and Steve and I stood behind them. "Oh...oh my god." Will cringed. "Holy sh!t, El. What did you do? What did you do?" Mike asked in a panic. "Eleven, what did you do?" I asked in an even more panicked tone. No answers escaped her mouth.

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