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Y/e/c-Your eye color

Y/h/c-Your hair color

{WORD COUNT: 1317}

    I got home and looked everywhere for a dress to wear for my date with Steve. I have so many dresses it's not even funny. I found my yellow cocktail dress that I absolutely loved. I grabbed my pair of white flats and my little black bag and laid it out on my bed so I could put it on. I made my hair nice and wavy and then put it in a high ponytail. I spent about an hour doing my makeup. It was just some neutral color with gold glitter on the inner part of my lid. I put on some light mauve lipstick and winged eyeliner. I put on my dress and my flats and loaded my bag with what I needed. 

Your dress:

    Your makeup:

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    Your makeup:

    Your makeup:

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Your lipstick:

Your lipstick:

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Your hair:

    I walked out into the living room where my mom was hitting the tv to get it to work again

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    I walked out into the living room where my mom was hitting the tv to get it to work again. I stepped behind her as she continued to slam her hand against the staticky tv. She finally got it to work and turned around. "Ah!" she yelled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I told her. "It's ok, hun. You look amazing. What's this for?" she asked. "A date." I smiled. "With who?" she queried. "Steve. He's a guy from Scoops Ahoy. One of Dustin's friends." I told her. "Wait, didn't you just do your job interview there?" she asked. "Yeah, the last question wasn't even a real question. It was him asking me on a date." I smiled. She smiled and put her hands over her heart and her brows moved upwards and inwards signaling she was pleased to hear I was dating someone again. I had this boyfriend a few years ago I met him on a trip to California and now he lives here. Billy Hargrove. We had a long-distance relationship for two years before I decided I couldn't do it anymore. Now I'm best friends with his younger step-sister, Max Mayfield. It's funny how things work. "I'm glad, sweetie. That breakup with Billy wasn't easy and I know it. Even though you broke up with him you still cried in your room all day every day for 6 months." she said.  I smiled, "I should be on my way though. We're meeting at Enzo's at 7." I told her. "Alright, hun. Have fun. Be home by 10." she told me and I walked out knowing he would be here any minute.

    About 5 minutes later he pulled up in a BMW 733i. Yeah, I know my cars. Jonathan was obsessed with them for a while and I was the one who had to listen to his stupid car lectures. "You look amazing." Steve complimented as I got in the car. "You too." I smiled. He was wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt with blue jeans and black high tops. "So, Enzo's still sound good?" he asked. I nodded my head and we were off. "You know, I dated all these girls in school, all the pretty ones, but never the nice ones. Now I get a date with a girl who's kind and beautiful. She has an adorable smile and these amazing y/e/c eyes. The prettiest y/h/c hair I've ever seen. And she's so graceful and just all-around amazing." he said. I smiled as I blushed extremely hard. "Well, I dated a guy who was such an utter jerk. I mean, his young sister is my best friend now, even though she's a whole lot younger than me. He was such a blockhead to me, and I didn't realize it until we had been together for two years. And even worse we were long distance. He lived in California and me obviously in Hawkins. Now, I'm going on a date with the kindest, funniest, most handsome guy in the whole dang universe. It feels amazing." I told him. He smiled and I saw a bit of red on his cheeks. "I never thought to ask, what's your last name?" I asked. "Harrington." he responded. "Your the Harrington Nancy Wheeler dated?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. "Yep, that's me." he sighed. I laughed a bit, "You know, she does not deserve you. She's nice and pretty, and funny, but you deserve so much more." I said. "Like you?" he asked. I smiled and giggled. We pulled up to Enzo's and he opened the car door for me. "Thank you, sir." I smiled. "No problem, madam." he laughed. He took my hand and we walked into the large restaurant. The inside was extremely fancy. The tables had red tablecloths over them and there were large crystal chandeliers hung every 15 feet. "Wow, this place is nice." I marveled. "Yeah, my parents came here on their first date, and my grandparents on theirs." Steve smiled. "So, I'm guessing you bring all the girls here for your first date?" I asked. "No, just the one I like the most." he smiled looking over at me. "Don't you mean ones?" I corrected. "No, I mean one." he told me. I blushed as I smiled and looked down at the floor. My bangs covered my face, so he couldn't see my blushing. He stood in front of me as we waited for a hostess and moved the hair out of my face. I blushed a little harder and butterflies filled my stomach. "Hi, are you two waiting for a table?" A hostess asked and Steve moved away to my side. "Yes." Steve answered. "Right this way." the lady said and walked us to a table for two. We sat down and ordered drinks. The rest of the night we spent talking and eating. I looked up from cutting a piece of steak and noticed it was 9:45. "Crap." I sputtered. "What?" Steve asked. "Mom wants me home at 10:00." I told him. "Alright. Let's pay the bill and I'll drive you home. By the way, you start work at 8:00 tomorrow." he told me. I smiled the biggest I ever have as he put some cash in the check. We ran out of the restaurant and got in the car. This time he played some music and we spent singing and dancing to the songs on the radio.

   He dropped me off at home and walked me to the door. "Thank you so much for tonight." I thanked. "Anytime. I'd love to see you again. And more than just at work." he said. I smiled, "Definitely. How about Friday? We can go see a movie and get ice cream after." I said. "Sounds like a date. I'll see you tomorrow." he smiled. I kissed him on the cheek and went inside. I ran into my room and took off my clothes replacing them with pajamas. I was so happy that night. It was my first date in two years. I couldn't believe I finally found a guy who likes me for me. I had been on plenty of first dates, but never second dates. Was I really in love with this guy or was it just my brain playing a bad prank? Maybe it's all a dream and I'm about to wake up from it and be super depressed. I fell asleep pretty quickly, my hair still wavy and in a ponytail. It would all fall out while I slept though. 


Hope you're enjoying it so far! Happy reading!

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