𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘰'𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦.

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Third Person POV:
Pico drives Keith to his house, and they finally make it. Keith makes himself comfortable and they start watching a movie. By the time the first movie ends, Pico gets up to grab the remote, "what now?" He asks, "I don't feel like watching movies, can we talk instead?" Keith asks, "hmm. About what?" Pico says. "Anything," Keith answered. Pico walked over to his bed and laid down on it, "do you have any plans with Cherry?" He asked. Keith shook his head, "No! Just no. I don't plan of doing anything with her!" He cried. Pico looked at him suspiciously, "had another fight?" He asked. "Well, he had this Date, and uh, let's not say it didn't end well," Keith said softly, he looked down at the floor. Pico frowned, "come on, don't feel upset about that. You know who to come to when your feeling sad.." He said, "and who?" Keith says playfully, "Me! Pico giggled. They both start laughing and Keith gets up but accidentally sits on Pico's lap, they look at each other In silence, blushing. Keith noticed that Pico's face got a little red, and so did his. " oh sorry." Keith said softly, he slowly got up and fell to the floor fixing his face. Pico got up and walked towards the upstairs, "I'm going upstairs if you need me." He said calmly. He walked up running to his room. Keith looked at the bed in front of him, "why does he have two beds?!" He whispers to himself.

Keith's Pov:
I know this is crazy. It's a sign that Pico likes me, but, is it? It was just a small mistake! If only I can tell him how I feel, he's so attractive and scrumptious, it should be easy getting a girlfriend for him. Even though I'm stuck with my crazy girlfriend, I still like him. It would mean the world to me if I can break up with Cherry and live with Pico forever! (I'll always love you reference) but hey. Help me out, do you think Pico likes me? I mean, I'm not a hot guy myself but please, do you?

Pico Pov:
I'm sure that was an accident. Not saying that he did it on purpose! I just, ugh. I knew why face will betray me! Why does my face turn red!! I don't know. But to be honest, Keith is kind of cute.

Third person POV:
Keith's phone starts ringing, and he immediately answers it. He knows it's Cherry.

"When are you coming back?!"


"Well, can you order Pizza? With YOUR credit card this time."

"Uh sure."

"Send it to the house please I have friends over."

"Okay. Bye babe."

"Wait! Not so fast. I want a whole pack of soda. Dr. Pepper Cherry. You know my favorite?"


"Good, oh, and a bottle of sprite? Yeah okay, get me that too."

"Okay, bye Babe."


Keith called the Pizza man, but Pico walked in to see him doing it. He just finished talking. " ordering Pizza?" Pico asked, "To Cherry." Keith said flatly. "I wish I had a girlfriend that can do things HERSELF," Keith mumbled. Pico. hugged Keith, "don't worry, you're safe with me." He said calmly, Keith's face turned red. "Uh, Pico?" Keith mumbled. "Shush! Don't worry! Happy thoughts." Pico whispered to Keith, and Keith giggled. He felt safe with Pico, and warm. "Your skin is soft like a marshmallow." He whispered. Pico blushed, he didn't say anything, he couldn't stop smiling.


Keith's Pov:
I had a fun time with Pico, but now I have to go home. I hope Cherry is sleeping, I don't feel like dealing with her whining right now. I wish I could have stayed longer, Pico's soft skin, his beautiful voice, I love him. "Bye Pico!" I shout waving at him, he waved back, "bye!" He says, he drove away back home. Wow, he's so cool.

I see Cherry sleeping, Thank god. I take off my clothes and quietly put in my pajamas, then go to sleep smiling. All I can think about is Pico.

𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴. (𝘗𝘐𝘊𝘖 𝘹 𝘒𝘌𝘐𝘛𝘏) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now