Killer demon pt 2.

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Mentions of sex.
Dirty jokes

Keith's pov:
After 2 days I went back home to Cherry. For some reason the door was open, and Cherry was nowhere to be found. Turns out she was just in the kitchen cleaning something, I don't know WHAT she was doing, to be honest. "Hey, I'm back!" I say to her, and she turns around slowly with a menacing look on her face, "did you have fun at Pico's?" She says, with a hint of jealousy. I roll my eyes, I knew this was going to happen! "Uh yeah, we played games," I say nervously, she laughs quietly and turns back around, "of course you did." "I knew this was going to happen." I raise my eyebrow, "what was going to happen?" "You probably had sex with that rat." She giggled. What? Why would I do that!? "Cherry what?!" I exclaim, Cherry turned around that laughed, then her voice gets deeper, "shut up!" She yells, pulls out a sharp knife, and walks toward me with it. I take a step back, I little scared."Cherry...Cherry..calm down." I say calmly. She calms and drops the knife, "ugh. I'm sorry Keith. I don't know what's wrong with me." She groans. She walks toward the counter and pulls out her phone, "I need to talk to someone." She walks past me and goes upstairs, "yes Carol. Hello?" She says as she walks into the bedroom and closes the door. I guess I have the rest of the downstairs all to myself. I run to the living room and sit on the couch. All of a sudden, I get a text from Pico. Oh good! It must be something good! Does he want me? Is it a marriage proposal?! Please tell me it is! I open it and I immediately close it when I see it.

Just now.
Pico💖💝🍎: Hey keith. I don't know if you know, but your girlfriend was in the house last night.

What?! Cherry was in the house last night?! It can't be true, wasn't the door locked? And the windows were shut too. Right? I open up the phone and I text back.

You: no, that can't be true! The door was locked and the windows were shut! Right? Please tell me they were Pi.

(Reiminder) Pi is pronounced (pie)

He texts back a few seconds later...

Pico💖💝🍎: Yeah, they were. But really, do you think that is strong enough to keep out a demon? Think keith.

You: uhm. No??😶

Pico💖💝🍎:right. But now is no need to text, I am outside your house right now. So please open the door.

You: okay. Going to the door rn.

I walk to the door and open it, he immediately comes in. He looks at me and smiles, but it looks too fake to be a smile. "Hi keith," he says breathlessly, "just whatever you do stay here in the living room. I'm gonna talk to your girlfriend." He walks up before I can even say anything. I watch him go toward the bedroom and bang on the door. I can hear Cherry's confused whispers, "who the hell-" her voice gets loud, "KEITH I'M TALKING TO SOMEONE!" She shouts. If only she knew that wasn't me. I walk to the couch and pretend like nothing is happening. All of a sudden Pico runs into the bedroom and starts yelling. What the fuck?! Now I hear Cherry yelling, now there is a fight. I run upstairs and run into the room and see Pico in front of Cherry, he turns around "I thought I told you to stay in the living room!" He says calmly, "pico what's going on?!" I ask, I can feel my hard racing. I didn't even do anything yet. I'm getting goosebumps. Cherry gets up and turns into a demon "Don't talk to my boyfriend like that you crazy bitch!" She screams, and all of a sudden Pico runs around and shoots Cherry. She starts screaming, she covers her eye. And blood drips down really fast, "AHH! Ouch!!" She screams. I run into the room and grab Pico, "pico!" I cry out, I look at him with a face that said "stop." But he pushes me away, "it's time for you to die Cherry." He says reloading his gun, Cherry backs up, she seems really Scared. I can't see this, this has to be a dream. I push Pico and all of a sudden I feel my stomach drop. My heart feels like it just got stabbed and I fall to the floor and immediately start crying. What happened? Oh no. I think...Pico just shot me in the stomach. "AHH!" I scream, and I gasp a little to breathe. Pico drops his gun and holds me, "Keith-" "STOP! Don't touch him! Look what you did you psycho!" Cherry screamed, Pico looks at me upset, and all of a sudden, tears fall down his eyes, and he starts crying. but not loud. I look at him scared, I feel like he's gonna kill me. I don't want to look like this but it's my head that's making me feel this way, "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" cherry says and she gets up and grabs me, now I can see that injured eye. It's red, and blood is dripping down from it, and her eye looks almost destroyed. "Keith I'm-" "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Cherry continues yelling, and all of a sudden I snap. "SHUT UP CHERRY!" I slowly get up and fall to the floor, and Pico picks me up. He looks at me seductively, "Keith I'm sorry. I meant to Shoot" he glares at Cherry, "her." He growled. I look at Cherry and Cherry turned away. If only I can say that I wanted him to kill her, but I knew she would tell her parents so they can kill me, so I stayed quiet. "It's fine, Pico..." I say softly, "I know you didn't mean to shoot me." Pico looks up, "maybe I shout leave. Bye Keith." "But pic-" "bye" he walks away. And gets out of the house. If only he could have stayed longer. He's so seductive, if he meant to shoot me I wouldn't care, his attractiveness takes the cake and is hypnotizing. Trust me on that.

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