"suprise" visit.(stress reliever)

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My life sucks :(

Third person pov:
Keith felt someone touching his hair, he instantly woke up "AHH!" he yelped, he looked up to see Pico looking at him, "what the fuck pico you scared me!!" He shouted. Pico scratched his head, "oh uh sorry I just wanted to wake you up. And surprise!" He said lighting the mood. Keith got up, "where's cherry?" She asked, "she went to her parent's house for some reason..." Pico said deeply, he grabbed Keith's hand, "it's just you and me now." Keith blushed and looked away, "oh well uhm." He said sounding a little bit flirty. Pico and Keith ran downstairs giggling and turned on the tv.


Pico and Keith sat together eating popcorn and watching a romance movie, "oh Jerold," the woman said(televison), "why get married to that pig when you can just be with me!" Pico shook his head, "pig?" He mumbled, "Sarah you know I can't do this. It feels wrong." Jerold responded to the woman holding his hand. All of a sudden Pico got up, "pico?" Keith said curiously, "I'm going to get more popcorn!" Pico said, Keith, looked at the tv, "oh okay" he said.

Meanwhile with Cherry...

Cherry grabbed a teacup, she poured tea into the cup, and slowly took a sip of it while it was hot, steam flowing on top of it, "mom?" She said, "what do you think about that ginger?" Mommy dearest got up from the couch, "I think he's just fine." She said, "he is very nice! You'll make good friends with him my dear!" Cherry rolled her eyes, "no mom." "What do you mean no?" "He's a bitch mom!" "Bitch?" "A bitch!" Cherry got up and banged on the diner table, her eyes turned a little red, "he. Gets. On. My. NERVES!!!" she screamed, Mommy dearest hugged Cherry, "don't be rude darling." She mumbled. Cherry pulled away, "I'm not.." "Oh sweetie you're just being dramatic." "
Just being... Dramatic?" Mommy dearest nodded her head, "yes! " she said, "you always say that." Cherry grumbled, "anyways, now that in the way, what about him being a bitch?" Mommy dearest asked, Cherry sat on the floor, "well..."

Meanwhile with Keith and Pico...

The movie was finished, "too short for a movie!" Keith said with a mouthful of popcorn, Pico looked at him laughing, "chipmunk!!" He giggled, Keith ate the popcorn whole and looked at the tv, "what now?" Keith asked, "I don't know.." Pico awnsered.

Keith's pov:
Pico is being nice to me. I wonder why, it's not like he's mean to me in general, thank goodness no! I look at him and he is on his phone, ughhh. I was hoping we'll do something fun! Like "just the two of us"? I know I'm acting like a crybaby but still, I wanted to grow our friendship and yet it is still not working.

Pico's pov:
I'm scrolling through Pinterest because the energy is slowly disappearing, and then Keith yanks the phone out of my hands, " Keith!" I whine to him, "can we do something fun? I'm bored." He says to me. I roll my eyes, "listen, Keith-" "Pico, listen to me! I only accepted your weak apology because I thought we had a chance together! Turns out we don't." He interrupts me, seriously?! "Keith you're being dramatic!" I shout to him, and Keith stays quiet. He sat on the couch with his arms crossed, I look at him and grabs the phone out of his hands. Until I realized that I fucked up our bond. Again.


Third person pov:
Cherry came home and Pico left, She sat next to Keith who was sitting on the couch, "so?" She said. Keith rolled his eyes, "Cherry I'm sorry I was being such a jerk to you." He said deeply, "oh it's okay! " Cherry giggled, Keith looked down at his shoes, "Keith?" Cherry said deeply, "Keith?" "Hello?..."

𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴. (𝘗𝘐𝘊𝘖 𝘹 𝘒𝘌𝘐𝘛𝘏) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now