Afternoon.(500 reads!)

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Thanks for making this story the most-read one I ever made! <3
Long chapter lol
- this chapter is rated as 13+
-disgusting things(like shit)

-This chapter might scare other readers and it might ruin your thoughts about the relationship between The popular fnf couple Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

-If you don't care about the warning, you may proceed to read :)

Third person pov:
After 3 hours, Keith calmed down and ran downstairs to see Cherry and Pico. "Pico?!" Keith exclaimed, "Hi Keith! I just wanted to say sorry for yelling at you." Pico says deeply, He scratched his head. Keith smiled at him, "it's okay!" He said happily, Cherry rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever." She said, glaring at pico. Pico glared back at Cherry and Cherry looked away, "Keith?" She looked at Keith with a sad expression, "please don't tell me that you still like pico." Keith shook his head, "Cherry stop." He said with a menacing tone Cherry rolled her eyes, pushed Pico aside, and ran upstairs. "Anyways," Pico says quietly.


Keith and Pico were sitting on the couch together, "you know," Pico says, "you don't always have to be stuck with Cherry." Keith looks at him confused, "what do you mean?" He asked, "Remember when I said you can always come to me when you are feeling sad?" Pico asked. Keith nods his head "That was like a few weeks ago." He said, "right. I have a question for you." Pico says, "is Cherry trying to stop you from coming to me?" Keith looks down at his shoes, "tell the truth, Keith." "Well, she did call you an emotionally manipulative brat," Keith says deeply. Pico rolls his eyes, "of course. But I just want you to know that she is, and she is just trying to keep you with her at all times. Before you know it you'd be on a leash being dragged around by her. You're a slave to her Keith. A dog." He says deeply, Keith looks up as if he was imagining himself being chained up with scars and cuts all over his face and on a leash while Cherry fully transformed into a demon dragging him around with blood all over her face hysterically laughing.
Keith shook his head in fear and looks at Pico scared, "no pico! Don't say that!" He shouts, "say what?" Pico asks, "your scaring me." Keith says softly. Pico rolls his eyes and hugged Keith. Keith hugged back, "relax." He said calmly, " I didn't mean to scare you." Keith got up and turned off the tv, "whatever." Keith giggled, "now I'm gonna have nightmares of Cherry hitting me as if I'm her punching bag."

Later (here comes the traumatizing part! I HIGHLY recommend not eating while watching this!)

Pico left and it was just Keith and Cherry, Cherry was in the room and Keith was in the living room laying on the couch. He fell asleep, quickly he woke up in a dirty room covered in mold and blood, and words that said "HELP ME" in sloppy handwriting. Keith looked down and he was fully chained wearing tight handcuffs he looked up as soon as he heard a menacing voice, "KEITH!" it kind of sounded like Cherry, only that it was distorted. All of a sudden Cherry came in wearing a shiny silk red dress with holes and black shiny boots, she was a full demon but different, she had very sharp horns and scary sharp teeth. "THERE YOU ARE!" she shouted, "GET UP!" Keith struggled to move, his mouth was taped so he couldn't say anything, "ugh." Cherry said, she walked over to pick him up, "we're going shopping.". They walked over to a black car and she threw Keith in the truck and closed it, she walked over to the driver's door and sat on the driver's seat, and started driving. (Later bc lazy 🤡) they went home. Cherry was cooking something that smelled weird, Keith was unchained, but still had handcuffs on him, he walked over to the Kitchen to see Cherry cooking...." PICO?!" he screamed, Pico's guts were on top of the oven and Pico's corpse was on the floor. "PICO!" Keith screamed, Cherry turned to look at him, "how are you moving?!" She asked, she pulled out a bat with blood all over it, "you..." She grumbled, she ran toward Keith and Keith ran all over the house screaming for his life! Cherry chased him all over the house and then she grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the kitchen, "LET ME GO YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Keith screamed, She dragged him to the oven, "get ready to die Keith!" Cherry giggled, laughing hysterically. Keith kept on screaming and begging for mercy until he was thrown into the oven screaming. He immediately woke up. "AAAAHHHH!" he screamed he touched his body and looked around shaking, "oh.." he said, "it was just a dream...or a nightmare."

𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴. (𝘗𝘐𝘊𝘖 𝘹 𝘒𝘌𝘐𝘛𝘏) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now