The mall.

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This story is kind of cringe lol

Third-person pov:
Keith woke up with hair on his mouth, luckily he had a dream about him flying away free with Pico. "Keith!" He heard Cherry calling him downstairs, he slowly walked downstairs and saw her dressed, "come on we're going to the mall." She said happily.


Keith's pov:
We arrived at the mall, full of stores you can go to, scammers, and lots of groups of teenagers giggling and walking around. Mostly girls. The mall is beautiful, but still, it's full of haters and weirdos. and Cherry and I went separate ways, she went to look for her friends and I went to the food court to see millions of hungry people in lines. I looked at the fountain to see Pico standing next to it on his phone, I'm surprised he goes to the mall! I walk toward him, "hi!" I say happily, Pico looks at me and smiles "Keith! I'm happy to see you." He says to me, and I smile back at him, "happy to see you too!" I say cheerfully. "So where's your girlfriend?" He asked, I roll my eyes, "too busy hanging with her friends." I answer. He chuckles, "of course" he giggled, we both looked at each other for a moment and then he grabs my hand, "wanna go to David busters with me?" He asked, I nod my head, and I follow him to David Buster's place.

We played a lot of games there since Cherry was hanging out with her friends for a long time until it was 6:00 pm, the store closed early, "30 minutes left." Pico said he sounded tired. I roll my eyes and hold his hand, "ugh okay." I groaned. As soon as we can walk toward to exit, Cherry bursts into the arcade. "KEITH!!" She shouted as she ran toward me, "there you are! I was looking for you! My friends couldn't come because they had this business to take care of." She grabbed my hand, "where are we going?" I ask her, not wanting to leave. "Back home dumbass!" Cherry yelled, "but the mall closes in 40 minutes, we still have enough time!" I say to her, she rolls her eyes, and all of a sudden Pico swoops into the conversation. "What is your problem Cherry?!" He shouts, Cherry walked toward Pico with an angry expression on her face, "my problem is that you keep on showing up and I don't want you here, you're a creep, and you keep taking my boyfriend places and it is annoying me!" Pico rolled his eyes, "the reason why I take him everywhere is so he can get away from YOU! it's not fair that he has to suffer just so you can do WHATEVER you want!" He yelled, grabbed me, and pulled me close, "Keith is not for sale! He is not your dog. He is not your puppet, he is not anything to you! Stay away from him!" I looked at him with a face that says, "thank you." He looked at me with a face that said, "no problem". Cherry stood there embarrassed, she looked at the people whispering and laughing at her, and she ran off the store running toward the elevator. I hugged him, " thank you." I whispered, "it's okay. Wanna come to my place?" "Pico whispered to me, " sure" I whispered back. If there was anyone I would trust, it would be Pico. , He's a true friend, And that's why I love him.

𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴. (𝘗𝘐𝘊𝘖 𝘹 𝘒𝘌𝘐𝘛𝘏) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now