𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵.

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FAST FORWARD: it's 7:00 pm and Keith is outside with Pico and Cherry.

Slight Bf x Gf!
18+ words

Third person pov:
It is 7:00 pm and Keith, Cherry, and Pico are outside on the beach, hanging out. Keith looks at Cherry who is talking to Pico by the ocean, "what are they talking about?" Keith whispered to himself. He gets up and walks over to them. "Hey, guys!" He says cheerfully, "oh hi keith. We were just talking about you." Cherry said deeply. She curled her hair and glared at Pico, Pico glares back then looks at Keith seductively, "hey!" He says smugly, Keith feels butterflies in his stomach, and he giggles. Cherry rolls her eyes, "Wanna go for a swim?" She asks Keith, Keith nods his head.

Keith's pov:
I grab Cherry's hand and we ran to the water. I noticed that Pico was watching us and he sits on the sand and looks at his phone, I feel bad, but I like the water! Cherry's hair gets wet, she giggles as she shakes her head to dry it. I giggle and I hug her tightly. Her face turns red and she hugs back. Aw!! She may be annoying but she is cute!

Pico's pov:
I watch Keith play around with Cherry and all of a sudden they start.....KISSING! Eww!!! Why did I have to see that?! But I can't blame them for their boyfriend and girlfriend!

Cherry's pov:
Keith can be cute sometimes, he just kissed me! I don't mind, I'm used to it, I love it. I know Pico is kind of jealous because of that, but still, he tries his hardest to hook up with Keith. I won't let him.

Third person pov:
Cherry and Keith are both wet and they are cooling off in front of a fire. "Keith," Cherry says softly, "What do you think of-" "no!" Pico cries, and Cherry looks at him disgusted, pico shook his head, "just no." He said, Cherry rolled her eyes, "fine. Come on Keith, we're going home." She grumbled. Keith got up and followed Cherry to the car wrapped up in a towel. Pico looked at them and sighed.

Third person pov:
Keith is in the bedroom with Cherry on top of her, "Cherry." He said softly, "are you hiding a secret from me?" He looked at her seductively, "no." Cherry answered, "then what were you going to say to me?" Keith asked, Cherry, rolled her eyes. "Okay, good night, no more having sex time for bed!" She said. Keith went to his side of the bed and Cherry turned off the lights, "okay. Just wondering." He whispered. He went to sleep. Cherry took out her phone and started texting Pico.

Pico: we kept a promise. And you were going to break it?!

You: no, but if I was him, I would want to know the secret too!

Pico: whatever. Just keep it private for now. I'll tell him.

You: okay, promise?

Pico: promise.

𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴. (𝘗𝘐𝘊𝘖 𝘹 𝘒𝘌𝘐𝘛𝘏) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now