Oh. Hello There

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Of course. What was I thinking? That Ava was gonna come with me? Of course not! She, like always, likes to make me do things that she knows can disturb me. Only to, I guess, laugh about the situation I'm in which for her is hilarious but for me is a complete nightmare. That's the worst side of Ava. I always end up embarrassed because I get forced to do things I do want to do only 'cause my sister wants to laugh at my face. I guess that's the normal side of a siblings relationship, right? You got to deal with the consequences, which can be good AND bad. Or am I wrong?

I'm currently walking towards our neighbor's and I won't lie, I'm starting to freak out. What if I embarrass myself like I often do? It's totally not the time to act like an idiot. This girl looks kinda cute and what are the odds that I'M the one who has to go talk to her ALONE. Damn I gotta act normal. Am I walking in a straight line? I don't want ppl to think I'm drunk or something, MOSTLY not her. Relax Y/N you don't even know what she looks like. She could have a nice body from far away but be completely hideous from up close. But what if she's not? I'll probably end up frozen and jaw on the floor if she's the opposite of hideous. No please DON'T! Wow it's hot now isn't it? Is it the hot weather that's making me sweat like crazy all of a sudden? Oh damn here's the door.

I stay idle beside the door, hand ready to knock, but I froze. Jesus Y/N you can do it, it cannot be THAT big of a deal, she's your neighbor. You'll have to meat her one day or another so why can't it be today. Come on be strong. When I'm very close from knocking on the door, a voice stops me. "Oh. Hello there. May I help you?" the voice says. I turn quickly around and there she is. Her. More beautiful than I ever imagined. Well the bottom of her face is. Her eyes are hidden by a big pair of sunglasses, but can still make me admire the rest of her perfectly shaped body. Her natural pumped-up lips, her cute and perfect nose and her wavy brown mixed with soft beige hair falling on each side of her figure makes her look like an actual angel. She reminds me of someone though, I just can't put my hand on it.

"Oh eum h-hi! I'm sorry I didn't know you were already outside" I say laughing in a weird way, which makes it obvious that I'm stressed about something. "No problem! I actually just got out from the side door. I'm going for a walk with my dog!" she replies, letting out a laugh that makes my heart melt in a second. Oh jeez what's happening to me. Her dog's actually really cute though.

She removes her sunglasses from her eyes and places them up on her head. It's at that moment that I realize it. How could I have not thought about it before. She looks EXACTLY like that one person.

"Hey are you okay? You kinda froze there. Do you want to come inside? I don't have to leave now.." she tells me in a hurry as if I wasn't feeling well. "Oh no don't worry I just.. I don't know what came over me. I- I'm not usually like this I just didn't really have a great day.." I reply chuckling. "No worries! But did you have a question or something?" she asks me. "Well not technically but we just moved into town and we wanted to get to know our neighbors! We actually live right next door in that house over there." I tell her, pointing at our enormous white house. "Oh really? How great! Finally new people! We really needed some change around here!" she then says laughing. I could never get used to that laugh. God make her laugh again please. "Moving here has actually been the best thing that happened to us for years, well it's way better than having to live in Montreal that's for sure!" I tell her. "Oh really? Well that's great I guess! You want to come inside? Get to know each other a bit? My walk can wait for sure. I'd love to meet some new people for a change!" she tells me. "Oh euhh-" should I? I mean that's why I'm here no? I'm gonna shit my pants. "If it's not a problem of course.." she says. "Oh no of course! I'm sorry for the delay I've been a bit slow today.. Weirdly." I reply. My lord why am I acting like an idiot right now? Jeez Y/N pull yourself together it's not the time to act like a crazy person. "No problem I can totally relate! Well, follow me we can actually enter by the front door!" she tells me leading the way and signing me to follow her. I of course do so and we all walk towards her house, us both and her tiny dog following her close behind. Am I really gonna get in the house of the one person I've been obsessing over for a while now?

After she finished her house tour, we went back downstairs in her kitchen. "Want some wine?" she asks me all excited. "Yeah sure why not!" I reply giving her a smile back. "You seem like a Rosé kind of girl. Am I wrong?" She asks, smiling at me. "Wow you already seem to know me well don't you?" I ask her. "What can I say, I've got skills." She replies to me winking. That girl keeps getting more and more interesting. It's not like I don't know her already. She then grabs two glasses and pours the wine in each of them.

"So.. Montreal isn't that great of a place to live you said. May I ask why? I've actually never been there before." She asks, siping a bit of her wine. I follow her action before responding. "Well it's great in summer, so from I'll say March to August. Then it's cold. When I say cold I mean freezing most of the time. Winter's the worst part of the year, which is right now." I tell her. "Really? I never knew that. I always thought that Canada was like here, hot all year long." she says looking a bit shocked. "Well in Quebec it can be really hot sometimes, like around 77 and 90 degrees like here. That's only in summer though. Otherwise in winter it's around -4 to 32 degrees which is, if you didn't know, freezing." I tell her. Is it just me of have I been talking only about myself? "Okay enough about me. What about you? You've been growing here in LA right?" I ask her acting all normal. "Yeah I have actually. How do you know that though?" She asks me. She can't be serious. "You really thought I didn't recognize you? I mean come on I haven't been living under a rock!" I tell her laughing. She then laughs back while having her face facing the table of embarrassment. "Don't worry though. I won't be acting all crazy and such, I'm not that kind of person. In my opinion, you're just a normal human being who only has a job and a life different than most people, but you can still have your normal private life. I totally respect that. I actually am in the same situation." I tell her. "Wow thanks! It's rare that I meet people who treat me like a normal person except my close friends and my family. Most people just start freeking out as soon as I get close to them which of course gets annoying with time, but you know it comes with the job. I still love my fans with my life though!" She replies. "But wait a sec. You said you could relate to my situation. How could you? Are you an actor too? I've never seen you in any movies though." she adds. "No no! Enough about me, it's your turn to talk more about yourself. I've been talking only about myself for a while now and I'm starting to feel bad!" I tell her chuckling. "Don't worry about it! I love hearing about you so don't feel bad please it's making ME feel bad." she replies giggling. Oh damn not the blushing. Let's just hope that she doesn't recognize it 'cause I can't really do anything about it right now. "Alright if you say so, but after this you need to tell me about yourself for at least 15 minutes." I tell her with a decided face which makes her giggle again. How can a laugh be that cute and attractive. She then starts to blush, I wonder why- hold up. "Wait did I say that out loud?" I ask terrified of the answer. "Yeah you did" she says letting out a small laugh while biting her bottom lip with a wide smile from my reaction. "Oh jeez I'm sorry about that" I tell her, still very much embarrassed. "No don't say sorry it's actually really sweet" she says looking straight at me. Her staring doesn't stop and neither does mine. It's like if we both couldn't stop looking into each other's eyes. After a big 20 seconds of intense staring, I break the eye contact and continue my story from many minutes ago. "As I was saying before, yes I can relate to you because yes I am an actor. Well I will officially be soon 'cause I'm part of the cast of a new movie which we're starting to film in about a month." I say. "That's great! What movie is it? That's if you're allowed to answer this question." she tells me. "Well I can't tell anyone what the movie actually is but I can tell you that it's a Marvel movie 'cause I know that you're already in the MCU cast so I don't really mind telling you." I reply. "No way! I'm actually gonna be in a new Marvel movie soon too! I guess we can't say what it is or we'll get yelled at by the producers." she tells me giggling. "Now that's true. I don't want to get kicked out at my first real job! There's so many Marvel movies being filmed soon so the chances of us being both in the same movie are pretty low." I say giggling. "Now that's true!" she replies laughing. "Did you do any other jobs back in Montreal? Like commercials and stuff?" she asks me. "I actually did yes! Only commercials though but nothing serious. It's actually unbelievable for me to have, as a first real job, a Marvel movie to be in. It's incredible." I tell her. "Yeah you're very lucky! Your situation looks a lot like Xochitl Gomez's one! She's so young and she's already in a Marvel movie it's insane!" she then tells me. "Yeah and she was so great in that movie! Such a great example for younger kids who want to become actors." I add. "Hey but I actually wanted to ask you something else but I'm a bit scared of the way you're gonna react.."


A/N: That's it for this chapter! it was a really big one compared to the other ones but I guess that the wait was worth it right? I hope so! And I also hope that you liked this part! More's coming soon! Stay tuned!

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