California Living

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I'm currently packing the truck with my mom, Madison and Ava. Today's moving day which we are all extremely excited about. Yesterday was a good last day. I saw Emma for the last time and we went to a cafe and talked about everything for hours like if it was the first time we talked to each other. The goodbyes were pretty emotional (we both cried like big babies) and I then went home to find Ava, Dolly and the rest of the family already partying without me, which I took personal. After dinner, we all talked until about midnight and then we all went to sleep.

Today went pretty great so far! We started putting the boxes in the moving truck really early and we're now done, it's 8:30. Wow we've only been packing for 2 hours and we're already done? "Alright guys say your last goodbyes to the house we're leaving in 5!" mom said. We all started walking around for one last visit, trying not to cry my heart out. If y'all didn't know what it feels like to move away, it's not great. Especially when you've been in the house your whole life. All the memories you have of the place, every events you're remembering of every single room, every arguments that we went through 'cause of dad when we were young (which is pretty negative, so I'm glad that we'll forget about these ones). Everything comes back to life for the last time. I should think positively, we'll be able create new memories in our new house in LA, even better ones. After the last tour, I start walking to the exit when I see Madi literally hugging every wall and every furnitures left in the house, which I find pretty weird but decide to ignore. "Madison! It's time to go, come on!" says Ava, annoyed by the fact that her and mom have been waiting 10 minutes in the truck for us to finish our tour. Madi then comes back out with a face I know is of sadness. "Come on Madi it's fine. Tell yourself that we're going to Los Angeles to find our new home there, it's way cooler than here" I say trying to cheer her up. She then looks at me from the corner of her eye and smiles slightly and goes back on her phone. Welp Los Angeles, here we come!


We've been on the road for 2 days now and we stopped twice at hotels to stay the nights. Today's suppose to be the day that we arrive and the gps on mom's phone says that we'll be there in 5 minutes. I can already see the city from here, which gives me a wave of excitement. I then decide to open the window and I feel the hot wind on my skin, that I find pretty comforting. Montreal's wind from the car window was always cold and uncool. From now on, we'll live in hot weather everyday for the whole year without having to go through this deadly Montreal weather ever again! I close my eyes and smile at the sensation, which makes Madi look at me with an awkward look. "Damn you're living the dream girl" she adds. "No shit Sherlock we're moving to Los Angeles" I tell her and we laugh at her silly comment. "I swear my brain is not braining. Is this real?!" I say almost screaming for not believing what we're living at this moment. "Is it Y/N, but now please roll up the window the sound that it makes annoys me" mom says. "I thought you were going to say that it's getting cold" I say giggling while closing the window. We pass by the freeway exit and then turn directly to the right, where we enter a big neighborhood. A big brick sign says Welcome To Encino. Even the sign's gorgeous jesus lord. About 2 minutes later, the truck turns right again in a street that I guess is the one we'll live in. I look up at the street name which says Bajio Ct. We then turn left for the last time and enter a dead end. There it is. "Look! Our house! It's right there!" Madi says, as if we all didn't notice it. Mom parks in the driveway that leads from the front to the side of the house and we all get out of the truck. "It looks way better in real life than on your pictures mom" I say smiling, eyes locked on the house. "Wait come on we'll go see the front first!" she tells us. We all follow her, Madi totally not screaming by my side."This is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. We live here, for real?!" Ava asks, looking at mom while we're walking to the front. "No we don't, we just came here to go back to Montreal.. tonight!" she answers sarcastically. "Haha very funny" she replies. "We even have an underground garage! I'll go visit this peace of art now FOR SURE" I say as I start walking to the door.


A/N: this is it for this chapter! I know it was small, but I wanted to cut it to show you guys what the house actually looks like. The next chapter, which will only have pictures, will be way bigger than any other 'cause the house is enormous! I wanted to choose a big house so that the book can be more interesting but just imagine that it wasn't that expensive. act like Y/N's mom is SUPER rich and it'll make sense hahah!

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