Prince of the Stars - Chapter 1: An Outsider Seeking Answers

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Out in the Thezonian system, there flew a huge dark blue, purple, and black futuristic space shuttle, but this wasn't just any space shuttle, this was the space shuttle of the one and only 'Prince Lotor, Son of Zarkon'. He was half Altean and half Galran, he had long white hair, and pale purple skin, along with pointed ears and the area in his eyes where the white should've been, was actually yellow. 
He wore a suit that matched the shuttle's particular design, plus his suit also had a scabbard and sort of a half cape that flowed down from the belt at the waist line. He had a very skilled team of generals, their names being Axca, Zethrid, Ezor, and Narti.
"Prince Lotor, our fuel tanks are running low, we need to set down on this nearby planet and re-fuel." Axca replied to her leader.
"Take us in slowly, and turn on the invisibility shield generators, we don't want anybody seeing us." He cautioned, with a hint of worry in his voice, but he didn't let it show.
Axca and Ezor guided the shuttle into one of the docking bays and they all got out to re-fuel the ship. Axca opened the fuel hatch, while Ezor connected the fuel hose and started the re-fueling process. Lotor stood by with Narti and Zethrid, watching the skies for anything suspicious. Then, Lotor saw a small flash as something streaked across the sky in the distance. The prince perked up, and was about the draw his sword but Zethrid stopped him, 
"It's just a shooting star, sir," she replied quietly, causing Lotor to calm down and relax.
"Sir, you seem to be a bit more on edge than usual, is there something wrong?" Zethrid asked, wanting to know what was wrong with the Galran prince.
"It's nothing, I'm fine..." he said, trying to hide a certain feeling that he just couldn't shake.
"Please tell us..." Lotor looked up to see both Axca and Ezor standing next to him, with worried looks on their faces.
Lotor sighed and relented, "I've felt that someone has been following us, but they're not Galra, and they're not one of the rebels either, it feels like, the one following us, isn't even meant to be in this reality."
"Prince Lotor, how do you know about this?" Axca asked, a bit bewildered, "I really don't know, I guess it just came to me?"
Then, all of a sudden, there was a flash of blinding yellow light, and all of them were immediately knocked to the ground. Lotor was the first one up, but it was only seconds before he was knocked back down into the dirt again, and surprise surprise, his sword was gone. He looked to the side to find Axca, Ezor, Zethrid, and Narti all laying unconscious beside him.
He waited for the figure to pass by again and got up, as he grabbed Axca's blaster, rolled out of the way, and shot in the figure's direction. A beam of weaponized light then shot towards the blaster's ray of weaponized light and they both collided, creating a shock wave that nearly took down the invisibility shield generators.
The man set down a few feet away from Lotor, his generals, and the ship. Lotor kept his guard up, though he noticed something off about the man. He had blue shaggy hair and a red tattoo across his right eye, and wore a dark blue hood with a pair of cargo pants, boots, and a long sleeved shirt with a heart design lining the sleeves, but he had not one single burn mark on his body, neither was there a single singe mark anywhere on his clothes.
How, the heat that was surrounding him or whatever that was should've burned him to ashes?!
It's because I'm not from this reality, I'm actually a human who uses magic.
What? Who are you, where are you?
I'm right in front of you... just look up.
Lotor looked up and saw the man was now just mere feet from him. He charged the blaster again and aimed straight for the man's face, who raised his hands in surrender.
"Whoa there, easy now. I'm not here to cause you any trouble, I just need to talk to you alone."
"Why would I want to talk to someone that I don't know, much less someone who is not even from this reality?" Lotor replied with a confused look.
"Because you need me, there is something happening right now, that you wouldn't have even thought of, or thought could even happen." The man replied back as he closed his eyes and a blue energy began to glow brightly and brought out the very object that Lotor so desperately needed right now, which was his sword.
The prince gripped the blaster even tighter in his hands, readying himself for a fight, but the man did the exact opposite. The sword levitated over to Lotor and as it fell at the Prince's feet, he looked up at the man now standing before him. Prince Lotor thought about what the blue haired man had just said to him and skeptically picked up the sword, keeping his eyes locked with the other man's As Lotor stood up, he sheathed his sword and walked over to his unconscious generals, checking them all for injuries, constantly looking back at the man, who remained in the exact same spot with a now curious expression on his face, just watching the Prince. Lotor simply ignored him and continued to check Axca, Ezor, Zethrid, and Narti for injuries.
"If your looking for any injuries on them, there are none, I made sure of that, and I know that may sound ironic, but it's not the way it looks." The bluenette spoke up with a very gentle like voice now.
"*groans* Lotor what's going on, and who's that?" Ezor mumbled groggily, rubbing her head as she slowly sat up.
"Hey! Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" Zethrid exclaimed as she snarled at the young man standing mere feet away from the ship that was still re-fueling.
"Prince Lotor, who is this guy? What does he want with us?" Axca asked, looking towards Lotor. "I apologize for knocking you out like that, but I needed some time to talk with Lotor here, plus I would like to ask permission to board your space shuttle, that is, if you'll let me?"
"No way! We don't even know you!" Zethrid exclaimed in an angry tone, "That's enough Zethrid." Lotor warned.
"I'm not sure about this..." Axca stated, looking at Lotor with concern, who looked back at her with the same concerned look on his face. He didn't know who this guy was, but now he felt like there was something way bigger on the horizon and this guy  was their only chance at finding out what it was, and actually having a chance at beating it.
"Alright, but you will remain in cuffs until I feel you can be trusted on the ship." Lotor said with a very commanding and stern voice.
The man simply nodded and said, "Yes sir," as he held out his hands and allowed Ezor to cuff him. A beeping noise on her holographic wrist band alerted Axca to the ship that was finished re-fueling. She disconnected the hose, placed it back in its proper positioning, and joined Lotor and the others on the bay area of the ship as it took off.
Down in the ship's holding cargo bay area, Axca was ordered to stay with the man that they'd agreed to allow aboard their ship. He wasn't doing much, just sitting there, looking around.
"Why do you want to speak with Prince Lotor?" Axca asked with a stern voice, and cold eyes piercing into his dark brown ones as the man sat forward to answer the question.
"I'm afraid I can't personally speak with you on the matter, I need to talk to him about it and then he can debrief you on the situation." He said as he sat back in the chair, hands still restrained. A few minutes later, Lotor came down into the cargo bay area with two armed guards at his side. They both approached the man, each of them roughly grabbing one of his arms, restraining him even further.
"First of all, I need to know your name if your going to be on my ship." Prince Lotor said, as he caressed the man's cheek with one of his clawed fingers.
"Alright now, that won't be necessary, the name's Jellal Fernandes," The man answered in a calm tone, knowing that if he so much as even tried to escape, he would have a serious life threatening injury, "I'm from Fairy Tail, it's a magical guild in a small town called Magnolia located in a larger kingdom known as Fiore."
"... I'm listening..." Lotor replied skeptically, letting go of Jellal's face, motioning for the guards to loosen their grip on Jellal slightly.
Jellal sighed as he continued explaining, "Something's happened in my reality which somehow lead me to this reality and our guild master Mokarov said that I had to speak with you because you would have some very useful information on what's going on here."
Axca couldn't help but butt in, "Well then, if you have to speak to Prince Lotor so badly, will you please explain to us what this 'something' looked like?"
Jellal sighed once more, trying not to let his frustration show that was now starting to rear it's head, "Well, obviously since your being so stubborn, I'll just have to tell you all. It looked like the sky was trying to split open, and it was pure white inside, yet I could see another world on the other side, but then I felt something, something different from what I usually feel back in my world, and to be honest, I still feel it right now. It's like some sort of energy source that I can't quite put my finger on."
"Energy source you say? I think I have the answer to your predicament." Lotor said as he signaled the guards to bring Jellal up to the bridge where the energy storage rooms were, with Axca, Ezor, and Zethrid in tow.

Next Chapter: Energy Source & Deeper Details

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