Prince of the Stars - Chapter 9: Surprise Attack

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After the friendly one on one duel against Prince Lotor and Erza Scarlet, there was an alarm that blared through the castle, alerting everybody on board. Prince Lotor, the Paladins, and the two wizards immediately gathered up on the castle bridge.
"What's going on?" Shiro asked.
"There's an unknown anomaly approaching the castle, and the scanners can't seem to identify it," Princess Allura explained while looking over the holographic displays in front of her.
"Holy Quiznak! It's power levels are off the charts!" Coran exclaimed, looking on from his station.
"It looks like a dragon," Keith commented.
"It is, in fact that's -" before Jellal could finish his statement, an alarm sounded and a display of red lights popped up on the screens.
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The alarm system sounded in an autotuned voice. The dragon opened it's jaw and a ball of energy, which came shooting towards the Castle of Lions. 
"Particle barrier UP!" Allura shouted, and a few seconds later, a glowing hexagonal shield quickly enveloped the ship.
Just a split second after the particle barrier enveloped the ship, it was overwhelmed by an energy beam twice as powerful as a Galran ion cannon. Even more alarms blared and the screens soon showed that the particle barrier was taking critical damage.
"We're about to lose the particle barrier!" Allura shouted. The ship's defenses then kicked into overdrive and diverted all shields to the bow.
"If this keeps up, the ship  will be destroyed!" Coran shouted.
Jellal looked up at the flashing screens and his eyes narrowed, "Your Majesty, let me up on the Crystal Matrix. I have an idea."
"Are you sure?" she asked the blue haired mage and then looked to Erza.
She gave a determined nod, "You can trust him Princess," the requip mage reassured her.
Then the ship jolted violently, knocking everyone to the floor. The force of the jolt caused Allura to fall backwards off the Crystal Matrix platform.
Erza charged forward and caught Allura, enveloping the Princess's upper body and head in her arms just before she slammed into the floor.
"Are you alright Princess?" Erza asked.
"Yes, thank you," Allura said.
The warning system blared again.
Allura and Erza got up off the floor.
Jellal asked her again, "May I proceed, Princess?"
"Please do, and hurry. I don't know how much longer the particle barrier is going to hold."
"Understood," Jellal stepped up on the Crystal Matrix platform, placed his hands on both the glowing pillars, and focused on transferring his magic energy into the castle defense systems. As Jellal began to transfer his magic into the castle defense systems, a golden glow enveloped him.
Everyone tensed up and prepared for the worst, that is until the sustained blast that was overwhelming the already critical particle barrier, suddenly weakened and then stopped. Everyone except for Jellal looked up and saw the turquoise barrier flicker out and then watched as a beautiful golden barrier replaced it. A groan was heard and everyone looked over to see Jellal panting and sweating profusely.
"Fire the blasters," Jellal panted.
Coran quickly lined up the blasters, locked in on the dragon, and fired.
The castle jolted slightly as a beam of pure golden energy shot out. As it shot out, the barrier opened up and allowed the beam the freedom to shoot out into open space. The beam struck the dragon with such force that it put off a shockwave which slammed into the barrier, causing it to flicker.
This was the last straw for Jellal though. The blue haired mage sighed and fell backwards. Keith rushed forward and caught him before he hit the floor. Without so much as a second thought, Shiro immediately took charge.
"Princess, we need to open a wormhole out of here while we still can,"
"Right," Allura took her place on the Crystal Matrix platform and focused on powering up the teladuv. A glowing circular portal appeared in front of the ship a few seconds later and Coran throttled up the engines, powering the ship into the wormhole.
Once the ship exited the wormhole, Erza rushed over to her collapsed husband and gently took him from Keith into her arms.
"Oh Jellal," she murmured and cradled his upper body, holding him close.
After about 5 minutes of awkward silence, Shiro finally broke it.
"I can't imagine how much trouble the universe would be in if Zarkon got his hands on that kind of power." he commented.
"Are you talking about that dragon we just escaped from?" Keith asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," Shiro sighed.
Jellal then stirred and his eyes cracked open to reveal Erza's beautiful face smiling down at him.
"Hello my beautiful angel..." he murmured with goofy smile.
"Jellal, you're always so cute like this," Erza said as she ruffled his cerulean hair.
There was a collective awww that went around the room, causing both wizards to blush.

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