Prince of the Stars - Chapter 2: Energy Sources and Deeper Details

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As they all entered the energy containment room, Jellal immediately noticed a container filled to the brim with liquid that had an unnaturally pure white glow, along with a purple aura around it.
I hope this guy can help us figure out why the Quintessence energy source is acting so weird...
Quintessence? Is that what this stuff is?
Lotor whipped his head around and looked Jellal straight in the eyes, but didn't say anything, just giving him a confused look.
Are you doing this? Lotor simply thought.
Jellal smirked back at the Galran Prince and replied back with his own playful thought, Why of course I am.
Lotor stood there, a bit shocked as to how this guy could communicate with him without so much as uttering a single word.
Pretty cool huh? came the bluenette's voice in the Prince's mind, which seem to put him on edge a little bit.
"Prince Lotor? Are you alright?" Axca asked.
"What? Uh, yes I'm fine," the Prince replied, looking back at Jellal. 
Zethrid and Ezor saw this and took it as a sign that something wasn't right.
"Hey you," Zethrid shouted at Jellal and got up in his face, "You better not try anything funny, or I'll smash your face in,"
Then, Jellal felt someone behind him and then felt a knife being pressed to his throat and tensed up. 
"Is he threatening you, Lotor? If that's the case then we'll gladly take care of him." Ezor said with a cheerfully psychotic tone in her voice. 
"Pardon me, but how can I exactly do anything when you have me handcuffed?" Jellal asked, while holding up both his cuffed hands. 
"Zethrid, Ezor, let him go," Lotor said firmly, and the two females obeyed. 
No worries, I'm not going to hurt you.
Jellal smiled gently, however his gentle smile turned to a blank expression.
That is unless you give me a reason to hurt you.
Now this really set Prince Lotor's nerves on edge, but he remained calm and composed. The smile returned to Jellal's face just as quickly as it had disappeared.
"Now, shall we get on with what we were doing?" Jellal asked in a polite tone through the telepathic link between him and the Galran Prince.
Lotor turned to Axca and gave her the all clear to take the sample from the containment chamber that towered over them. Once finished, they all headed up to the bridge of the ship. Lotor began to pull up different displays of the liquid on the holographic screens and Jellal watched observantly. He couldn't read the language that the text was written in, but he listened to the Prince anyway.
"The energy source you feel all around you right this very moment is known as Quintessence. It's within every living thing in this reality, well I can't say the same for you because, like you said, you're from a completely different reality, so the circumstances might be different in your scenario." The Prince explained.
"However, this could also benefit you, because when you tap into the Quintessence, you tap into limitless power that cannot be extinguished,"
"Interesting..." Jellal mumbled to himself.
"But I warn you, if you mistreat this ability to 'tap into' this power, it will cost you greatly and you will become an evil tyrant, just like my father Zarkon. He let the overwhelming power of Quintessence take control of his actions and therefore, he succumbed to overexposure to the same element."
"Wow, sounds like messing around with ancient lost magic and then getting yourself cursed with a 'Curse of Contradiction'.
"Excuse me?" Prince Lotor was confused at this comment.
"You see, 'The Black Wizard Zeref' as we call him, messed around with ancient magic 400 years ago, and got himself cursed with said 'Curse of Contradiction'."
"And how exactly does this 'Curse' work?"
"When you are cursed with this wretched thing, the more you 'truely' love somebody, the more that Curse is going to work to take their life, but the opposite is in affect when you truely hate somebody."
Prince Lotor found this quite interesting, but decided to keep quiet, and let Jellal continue. Jellal began explaining about the energy source in his reality while both Prince Lotor and his generals listened closely.
"The energy source where I'm from is known as Ethernano, it's what allows me and everyone in my reality to use magic. Our bodies have a special section, where the Ethernano can collect. When we use really big spells that require a lot of magic power, it depletes out magic power greatly, so we have to rest and restore our magic power. It gathers from the atmosphere around us which then collects in the section of our bodies that is reserved for it.
"And when did all of this begin?" Ezor asked, becoming curious.
"We don't know, and we don't question it, or take it for granted either, were just grateful that were able to utilize this amazing ability." Jellal said as he continued on. 
"Now, there is a second storage system of magic power that is not used as often as the first. It's called the 'Second Origin', and when that magic reserve is released, it gives the wizard an extremely powerful boost of magic power, therefore increasing their stamina immensely." 
"That's quite interesting," said the Prince, "The only ones in this reality that I've ever known to possess that kind of ability are King Alfor and Princess Allura, and they're Alteans. Surely this means that the more Ethernano there is, the more power you have, right?" 
"I warn you Prince Lotor, things aren't as black and white as you may think they are." Jellal said. 
"Well then, what's wrong?" Zethrid butted in, eager to know what was so important. Jellal simply looked at her before continuing to explain.
"When being near a more concentrated area of pure Ethernano, it can have more of a negative affect of the physical structure of the living being's body. So, if your ever around an area with a high concentration of Ethernano, especially you guys, you had better be extremely cautious because you're not from my reality and I don't know what it could possibly do to your bodies, much less what it'll do to mine.
"Wow," Prince Lotor mused, "I can't believe there is actually a reality where use of magic is a normal thing... Is there anything else you could tell me about your reality?"
Jellal thought about it for a moment, "Well, there is one more thing I can tell you, and that is how a dragon slayer would obtain 'Dragon Force'." Jellal smirked slightly, seeing a bit of amusement in the Galran Prince's eyes.
"Please, go on..." he urged.
"Okay so, when a dragon slayer eats their particular element, say fire or iron, or maybe even inhaling the air itself, that element mixes with the Ethernano in their bodies which kick starts the process, and soon enough, they have dragon force." Jellal finished with a smile.
"Wow, I never thought I'd live to hear about something like this, I mean I've heard rumors and maybe somebody probably thought it was a good idea for a story, but never have I thought was it actually real." Prince Lotor was absolutely astonished at what he had heard, "Now, I believe it."
Jellal's small smile faded as he looked down at the floor.
Lotor saw this and figured Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all, he willingly gave himself up and gave information about his reality and the energy source that resides in his reality, though I'll have to keep a close eye on him, just in case  and with that in mind, Prince Lotor ordered the guards to uncuff Jellal, who did so obediently.
"Why are you uncuffing me?" Jellal asked, looking up at the Prince.
"You have earned some of my trust, though you won't be able to do whatever you want, I'll grant you some privileges." he answered.
The blue haired mage sighed and whispered, "Thank you," and got back a quiet, "Your Welcome," from the Prince himself. 

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