Chapter 9 - Aftermath

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*Artist unknown.*

*Arcade – Duncan Laurence*

*I've spent all of the love I saved

We were always a losing game

Small town boy in a big arcade

I got addicted to a losing game

Oh, oh-oh-oh (x2)

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game*

Severus wrestled with himself all night. He was sorting through the memories that were fresh in his mind, milling through all the weekends and breaks from Hogwarts he had spent with Serena. It wore on him immensely to see how happy they were compared to the state they were in presently. He finally resorted to taking a sleeping draught to lure him from his misery.

Serena stayed up all night contemplating the certain agony she now had of losing Severus twice. When her tears wouldn't stop, she made herself a sleeping draught. She had a faint thought to be heavy handed with it. Thankfully, a simultaneous thought occurred to her, and she decided a plan of action for the next day. Serena quickly fell into a dark abyss for the rest of the night and her mind was able to rest.

Serena did not see Severus the next morning in the Great Hall, and she entered the dungeon at the last minute before they were to teach the sixth- and seventh-year students. When Serena walked in, she caught his eyes for a moment before he quickly turned away.

The students had been working on brewing Veritaserum for the last month. Normally this was not part of the curriculum, but Dolores had insisted that it fell under the Ministry guidelines for Potions education for this level of students. While Professor Snape was addressing the class, Serena walked over to view the class project in the cauldron and study the notes. There was only one day left until the moon cycle was complete. She was pleased to see that the potion was clear and dripped with the viscousness of water. She turned to the class after Professor Snape was done speaking.

"Students, you all have done very well on your assignment. This Veritaserum is near perfect. I couldn't be prouder and each of your houses deserves ten points."

Emily Vanderthorn beamed, "Professor Sinclair, since we accomplished our task and we are nearing the end of term, would you mind speaking with those of us who are thinking about working as an Auror during our next club meeting?"

A couple of the other students nodded. Severus folded his arms, clearly not amused that the focus had been taken away from his lesson. Serena smiled and commanded the room, "Most certainly Miss Vanderthorn. I would be happy to. Now, who can tell me what is Amortentia and what is its distinctive property from any other potion?

Twila Perilloux quickly answered, "It is a love potion, and it smells different to each person."

"Correct. Five points to Ravenclaw. I want each of you to start on this potion today and write down what aromas you smell. You have approximately an hour and a half... start."

Severus silently takes a seat behind his desk and bends over papers with his quill and ink. Serena would normally talk to him a bit before observing students' work, but he did not seem like he wanted to engage with her. She walked over to him anyways deciding it would be better to not change her regular behavior.

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