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"And the lynx flush was to smoke out Arken." After the demonstration, Kaz and I quickly found Inej and ducked into the hall outside the throneroom, quickly explaining to her the plan to get Arken out of the picture.

"Like I said," Kaz told her, "our futures depend on this." He glanced up at the real Sun Summoner across the hall. "Lin and I saw two identical dresses in the fitting room. The target is wearing one, and an Inferni about the same height and build was measured for the other." I smirked a bit and nodded.

"They need the target for the demonstration," I explained, "but at the reception, that's when they'll deploy a double for security reasons."

"So we set Arken after the double while we stay on the target." Inej looked up at us and frowned.

"Arken will get caught." I shook my head.

"He chose his fate in Novokribirsk when he met with Zlatan."

"What if you're wrong? What if we sandbagged him with a lynx flush, and the meeting had nothing to do with this?" Kaz frowned and looked down at her.

"The only two men in the world who profit off the Fold? Doubtful." He looked back up at the target, straightening up as she turned away from the people she had been talking and laughing with. "Now. Go now." He pushed me in the girl's direction, and I rolled my eyes as Inej and I walked up to her, panicking a bit as Katya walked up to her as well.

"Miss Starkov!" Inej said with a smile. "We are to escort you to dinner." I smiled and nodded.

"Could you come with us, please?" Alina frowned and glanced up at Katya.

"I thought, um..." She chuckled, quietly and nervously. "Actually, I am quite hungry." Inej looked up at Katya, smiling politely. The brunette girl smirked.

"Oh, I rather think I'll come with you, actually," she told us. My face fell slightly, but I quickly covered it up. "I'm quite hungry as well." I glanced at Kaz, who I could just barely see behind her, but as she went to follow my gaze, I quickly spoke up.

"Of course, Lieutenant." We turned to lead them away, but before we could get very far, Kirigan approached and smiled. I froze, willing myself not to appear afraid.

"Thank you," he said. "I'll take them from here." He looked down at me, and my heart dropped as he furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, do I know you? You look... familiar..." I stood up straighter and shook my head quickly, coming up with the easiest lie I could think of.

"No, General," I said firmly. "I'm part of the extra guards they brought in for the Fete." He looked skeptical but nodded.

"Well... you may go back to your duties," he told us. "I'll escort them." Katya looked over at us, arching a brow and smirking. I nodded, and we quickly walked away. We quickly met up with Kaz.

"All right. Plan B," he said quietly. He paused and glanced up as an Inferni walked out of a side hall. "Scratch that. Plan F. Stay on the target and meet me at the escape route. Lin, stay with her. And be careful." I nodded, and Inej looked at the Inferni.

"He's an Inferni," she said. "Don't take chances." Kaz looked up at something behind me.

"So is she." He gritted his teeth before limping away, leading the other Inferni away. Inej and I both followed his gaze from before, and I clenched my jaw as I spotted Katya walking over. I glanced at Inej before we turned to run the other direction.

We quickly walked through several hallways, attempting to lose the Inferni on our tails, but we were stopped suddenly as a wall of fire erupted in front of us.

White fire.

"Who are you?" we heard. Inej turned slightly, but I turned fully to glare down the hall at the girl. "You know who I am, I think it's only fair that you return the favor." Inej finally turned the rest of the way and shot her the same glare.

"You have an idea," she said. "I saw your face when we spoke to you and Miss Starkov. You knew something was up. How?" Katya smirked and paced in front of us, clasping her hands behind her back.

"You and your boss need to be more careful where you're seen together," she explained vaguely. "Anyone could see. It doesn't take too long to figure out who's involved." Inej furrowed her brows.

"Our boss..."

"One Mr. Kaz Brekker." She sighed. "Don't think you can lie to me. I've known him for longer than anyone else still alive. I know what kind of person he is, and it doesn't take much for me to recognize him and know what he's up to." My glare deepened, and I gritted my teeth.


"Katya Brekker," she said quickly. "More commonly known as Katya Markov." I pressed my lips together as slight anger appeared on her face. "I changed my name when I came here to keep him safe. In Ketterdam, being Grisha is an internment sentence, and so is being related to one." Trust me, I know. She took a deep breath and smirked a bit. "Now you know my names. I think I should know yours." I nodded.

"Karlin," I said confidently. Her head ticked to the side as she smirked.

"Karlin..?" My heart sped up, and I hoped more than anything that she wasn't so close with my father that she had an idea of who I was. I furrowed my brows and nodded.

"Karlin Kaye. According to Kaz, I came to the Crow Club a year after you left." She nodded and turned to Inej.

"Inej Ghafa," she said. I could hear her voice shaking. "Your brother is paying off my indenture. From the Menagerie." Her face fell slightly, and I frowned.

"The Menagerie...?" Inej nodded.

"If we don't finish this job, I'll have to go back." She shook her head. "I don't want to hurt the Sun Summoner. But I can't go back there." I clenched my jaw angrily, already knowing that there was no chance I would let that happen. Katya shook her head.

"I already told Kaz, I can't let that happen. Alina is the only hope for Grisha here. And she is my friend." She sighed and glanced behind us before looking back at us. After a moment, she smiled softly. "I believe you don't want to hurt her. I can see the truth in your eyes. I still can't let you take her, but I can let you go." Inej's eyes widened hopefully, but I narrowed my eyes as I watched her closely.

"You're the Lieutenant of the Second Army," I said. "Why would you do that?" She sighed.

"Because I know what it's like in Ketterdam," she said quietly. "I know what it's like to be willing to do anything for the idea of being able to change your life. I know how tempting it is." She shook her head. "But now you have a chance to change your life without it." She took a small step towards Inej but made sure to keep a distance between us when I stepped forward protectively. "Stay in Ravka, Inej. You clearly have skill, you would do well here. You don't have to go back to Ketterdam or the Menagerie." Inej shook her head.

"But why do you care?" Katya sighed, dropping the wall of fire behind us and turning to walk away.

"Because I used to be you." I watched as she left before sighing and turning to Inej. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall.

"Come on," I muttered. "Let's find Kaz, get the target, and get the hell out of here."

okay so i really dont love how i wrote SS but Katya has my whole heart

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