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My anxiety levels steadily rose as Inej and I quickly walked through the halls of the Little Palace in search of Kaz. It seemed to me that so far, next to nothing had gone right on this job. Arken had betrayed us and had to be disposed of, Alina had been protected by the one person I was hoping not to run into, and my father had nearly recognized me upon sight. Truthfully, I just wanted to get our target so we could get paid and get out.

My attention was diverted when I heard a pained yell from inside the chapel. My eyes widened, and I glanced at Inej.

"Come on," I muttered. I led her through the back door of the room that led to the balcony. I wove through the rows of seats, and we reached the edge of the platform just in time to see the Inferni from before aiming a ball of fire at Kaz. My breath hitched in my throat, but Inej was quick in pulling out one of her knives and throwing it.

It hit its mark and buried itself in the man's skull, and he fell the floor, lifeless.

My eyes widened, and I glanced at Inej. She didn't look at me and instead simply jumped over the railing. I followed suite and landed roughly on the floor, running up to her and Kaz as she stared at the body of the man. Kaz limped over quickly as yelling erupted outside the room.

"We need to go," he said. Inej's eyes didn't leave the body, and she took a shaky breath.

"I... I killed him," she muttered. I placed a careful hand on her shoulder, and Kaz ducked to force her to look at him.

"Inej, look at me," he said hurriedly. "Look at me." She did, and he nodded. "You saved my life." He nodded towards the man. "Get your Saint and let's go." He walked past her as she retrieved her knife and lowered his voice as he approached me. "Are you okay?" I sighed and nodded.

"We ran into Katya," I muttered. "She let us go, but not before dishing out another warning." He sighed.

"She is good at that." Inej walked back over, and the three of us quickly left the chapel, Kaz glancing at me as we walked. "Do you know a back way out of here?" I furrowed my brows as I thought and nodded.

"I think so." I glanced around and pointed the direction I thought we needed to go. "This way." He nodded, and I led the two into a back servants' hallway.

"We'll have to think of another way to get the target," Kaz whispered. I glanced up at him and nodded. I eventually found the last door and pushed it open, sighing in relief when I felt the cool night air. I glanced around, spotting Jesper beside the courtyard statue. Kaz sighed, and we walked over with Jesper frowning at our disheveled appearances.

"What happened?" he asked. "You okay?" Inej looked up at him with an awestruck expression.

"She's real, Jesper," she claimed. "She made the light sing." Kaz and I shared a look, and he sighed.

"We lost her." Jesper smirked.

"Did we?" He turned smoothly and began leading us to the carriage he had attached to two horses. I frowned.

"We don't know where she is," I said confusedly. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't we?" He laughed again and looked back at us with one foot up on the edge of the carriage seat. "Just ask." Kaz sighed, and I could tell he was starting to get annoyed.

"Jesper..." The boy shook his head as we all climbed up.

"Just ask." Kaz and I glared at him, while Inej just looked tired of all of us. Jesper smiled and shrugged. "Just ask." Kaz sighed.

"Fine," he said. "Do we have a fix on where the target is?" Jesper looked back at Inej and I before looking back at Kaz. He chuckled quietly and looked forwards again, saying nothing as he snapped the reins.

I glanced back at the Little Palace before looking forward and sighed, my anxiety going down as we rode away from the building.

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