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Mal was restless as he stood at least a few feet away from us at all times. Jesper continued to clean his guns, Inej and I fiddled with our knives, and Kaz twisted his cane in his hand. After a few moments, I felt another surge as we heard disant screams. I looked up at the ceiling with wide eyes. Everyone was silent until Inej spoke quietly.

"What now?" she asked. Kaz glanced around the room before nodding.

"We wait," he said. Her eyes widened, and I looked between them.

"Kaz, you can hear him slaughtering a city," Inej said. Kaz looked at her sharply.

"So you understand the scale of his power, then? Good." I sighed and nodded.

"He's right, Inej," I said quietly. "There's nothing we can do. If we went out there right now, the Darkling, Katya, Ivan, and the oprichniki would be on top of us in an instant. We wouldn't stand a chance." Mal stepped forward, shaking his head.

"The bold move is to strike now," he claimed. I nodded.

"And the smart one is to get clear of the damned Fold first." We glared at each other for a moment before he shook his head and grabbed his gun, clenching his jaw.

"I never said I was smart." With that, he climbed out of the hold, and Jesper shook his head.

"Can you believe him?" he asked lightly. Inej sighed and put her knife back in its place, going to follow Mal.

"I'm going with him." As she passed me, I stood and grabbed her arm.

"Inej," I said, trying to get her to stay. She looked up at me, determination in her eyes as she stared into mine. I pressed my lips together and let go of her arm slowly, watching as she climbed out. I looked back at Kaz and sighed, shaking my head. "I'm not leaving her alone." Before he could respond, I followed the two of them into the darkness and ducked behind a crate, spotting Inej behind another. "Inej." She looked over at me and smiled a bit.

"What happened to not standing a chance?" she asked. I smirked a bit and shrugged.

"I'm not letting you not stand a chance alone." She nodded and I pointed to the platform above us. "That's where the Squallers pushing the skiff stay. If I'm right, we can convince one of them to get us moving again." She furrowed her brows.

"Are you sure?" I chuckled quietly and nodded.

"As hell." She nodded, and the two of us quickly snuck up to the top deck, where I heard someone talking.

"Zoya, what are you doing??" I smirked. "The General wants us to stay put." Inej ran forward, and I followed behind her as she pressed a knife to the man's throat. We looked up at the dark-haired Squaller above us.

"Get us out of here," Inej hissed. "Now!" Zoya looked at me, and I shot her a smirk, making her nod. I glanced at Inej, who nodded, and ran up the steps to meet Zoya. She glanced over me before hugging me tightly. When she pulled away, she sighed exasperatedly and shook her head.

"We're talking later," she said firmly. I chuckled under my breath and nodded.

"Yeah, I know." I heard clattering below us and looked down to see the Heartrender slowing Inej's heart. My eyes widened, but before I could do anything, Zoya had run halfway down the stairs and blown him away with a quick gust of wind. Inej looked between us, and Zoya nodded.

"Help me stop him," she begged. I nudged her arm, and she looked back at me as I nodded. The three of us ran back up, and I placed my hands on Zoya's shoulders, giving her as much power as I could as she surged the skiff forward.

"Zoya?" I could hear Kirigan yelling from the main deck, and Inej and I shared a look. I took a deep breath and nodded, and the two of us ran to the front railing. Inej quickly drew a small throwing knife before aiming it and throwing.

It found its mark in the Darkling's chest. 

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