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It turns out, 'follow me' meant to let him take us to the lowest, darkest part of the Barrel to get away from prying eyes.

"We are in the literal bottom of the Barrel," Jesper said, and I could hear the complaint behind his voice. Kaz glanced up at him.

"Stadwatch don't patrol down here," he said. "We're safer." His eyes met mine briefly as he spoke, but before more could be said, he took a sharp breath. "Inej, what did you find?"

"We're accused of murdering Tante Heleen," the girl said, startling Jesper as he spun around to find her. He sighed, pointing at the two of us.

"You two, I swear..." He trailed off, realizing Inej's words. "Wait... We didn't do that, though." He furrowed his brows and looked down at the spy. "Wait, did you do that?" Inej furrowed her brows, and I rolled my eyes, looking up at her.

"It was Pekka Rollins, wasn't it?" Kaz clenched his jaw.

"He framed us for murder." Inej hesitated but nodded.

"He wanted to punish us for taking the job after he warned you off," she confirmed. Jesper frowned and shook his head.

"But why take it out on Tante Heleen?" he asked, confused. Kaz glanced between the three of us before sighing.

"She held the deed to the Crow Club," he admitted. The three of us stiffened, but he continued. "We cut a deal so Inej could help us with the Sun Summoner, so Rollins killed her." Inej nodded.

"He owns the club. Everyone who works there now works for Pekka Rollins." I looked up at Kaz, but he was staring straight ahead. Inej sighed.

"There's more," she said. She held out her arm, pushing her sleeve back to reveal the tattoo on her wrist. I frowned.

"The Menagerie," I muttered.

"He owns that now, too. Along with everything else the Menagerie owns." Jesper sighed.

"So, Stadwatch are everywhere and Pekka's untouchable," he said. He shook his head. "Never thought I'd miss the Fold." I clenched my jaw without looking up at him.

"Jesper..," I warned. He held up his hands in surrender, and Kaz reached into his jacket, pulling out a stack of money, presumably given to him by Sturmhond. He pulled out several bills and handed it to Inej quickly.

"What's this for?" the Wraith asked with furrowed brows. Kaz sighed.

"We aren't the only ones under a false accusation," he said. "Your Saint has a new bounty on her head. This time from Fjerda. They think she's in cahoots with the Darkling." I scoffed.

"Never thought I'd be in the same boat as a Saint." Kaz ignored my remark and nodded to Inej.

"This is your ticket to go and protect her. Go to Third Harbor. Find a stevedore named Jari. He'll put you on a cargo ship out of here." I furrowed my brows and looked up at him as Inej's face fell.

"You're sending me away?" she asked sadly.

"I promised you freedom."

"This isn't freedom, Kaz. My indentured contract is owned by Pekka–"

"I'll take care of it," he said sharply. "It isn't your fight now. It's mine." I looked up at him.

"Kaz, we're Crows," I told him. "If it's your fight, it's our fight. Always has been." Inej nodded in agreement and held the money back out to him.

"I'm not leaving you," she told him. "Not now. What happens to Saints is fate. What happens here is up to us." He glanced between the three of us before slowly taking the money and pocketing it.

"Fine," he muttered, "but stay in the shadows." He looked at the two of them. "Both of you. Karlin, with me. I need you. We reconvene in two bells at the end of Rozenstraat. Look for a workshop around the back." My face broke into a small grin, knowing damn well who's workshop we'd be going to." Kaz began to walk away with me trailing behind him, but Jesper called out in confusion.

"Where are you going?" he asked us. Kaz stopped and looked back at him.

"I need a Heartrender for what comes next," he said. "One who isn't already owned by Pekka. Ears open for one." He looked down at me and nodded down the street. I nodded, and the two of us set off to find our demolition friend.

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