Chapter 2

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Soobin pulled out his phone and a bright smile spread across his face as he glanced at the notification. Without hesitation, he tapped to open it.

Jjunie hyung

hey binnie!!

Oh! Hyung!! Hii!!
How are you?

I'm fine
actually, I texted you to tell that
I'm coming to meet you

but why so suddenly?
is everything okay, hyung?

yes, yes everything is fine!
actually, our school has a branch
there too and their college needs
a dance teacher, so they are sending
me over there
yaah!! I'll be living with you for
some time
I'm so excited!! It's been so long since
we had a proper talk or spent some
time together :(

you're right, hyung!
So, when are you coming?

after two days!!
tell uncle too. I tried to reach him
but his phone is off since morning

Okay! I'll tell him later
Have a safe journey, hyung!
And tell me once you get here,
I'll pick you up!

Okay binnie!
see you soon 😘

Yaah! you don't have to do

aaa!! Waeee!?!!
you know I loveee you, right?😉

whatever 😑
byee! and take care

you too, sweetheart 😘😘


okie okie

hmm. that's better!

"God! He's such a flirt!" Soobin chuckled to himself, sliding his phone back into his pocket. With the night darkening around him, he began his walk home.

"Home." Did Soobin really have one? Home, to him, wasn't a place of safety, happiness, love, or respect. It was merely a house-bricks, cement, and a roof over his head. Ever since losing his parents and then his grandparents, there was nothing left that felt like home. Yet, he had to return to that place, or face the wrath of his stepfather and younger stepbrother.

Tonight, he arrived later than usual to prepare dinner, and they were already yelling at him for being just fifteen minutes behind schedule. It seemed absurd to Soobin. Nonetheless, he hurried to cook as fast as possible, serving them within half an hour. But the harsh words continued. His stepfather threatened punishment, and Soobin knew what that meant.

Yes, he went to bed with an empty stomach again. It had become routine, one that he had grown oddly accustomed to. More than three nights a week, he faced this. Each time, his pillow absorbed his tears and silent screams-a reliable confidant.

Right now, his mind was blank. He simply wished these two days would pass quickly so he could see his hyung.

Every day, Soobin searched for something to look forward to, a reason to keep going. Right now, that reason was Yeonjun.

Next day, Soobin woke with a sigh of relief as the two days finally passed, each second feeling like an eternity.

From the moment he opened his eyes, Soobin kept glancing at his phone, hoping for a text from Yeonjun.

The sun reached its zenith, marking noon. Growing more curious, Soobin decided to text and inquire about Yeonjun's arrival.

He typed out a message:

Jjunie hyung

You got the bus?

I'll let you know when I get there!

Be safe!

yes, sir 🫡

''just few hours more!'' "Soobin felt a wave of happiness wash over him for the first time in what felt like ages, his lips curving into the brightest smile imaginable.

He hurried to the kitchen, moving with newfound energy, and began preparing lunch at lightning speed. Serving the food quickly, he washed the dishes in record time.

Once chores were done, Soobin retreated to his room and lay down on his bed. Thoughts of reuniting with Yeonjun filled his mind, reminiscing about their shared past-playing together, attending school, and Yeonjun teasing him by riding his bicycle recklessly, knowing it terrified Soobin. Sharp turns and unexpected maneuvers always resulted in playful retaliations from Soobin's large hands.

Lost in these memories, Soobin glanced at the wall clock. "Oh no, it's only been a little while," he sighed. "I should take a nap to make time pass faster." Setting an alarm on his phone for when he estimated Yeonjun's bus would arrive, he pulled the sheet over himself and drifted into sleep."

Soobin woke abruptly to the persistent ringing of his phone. He groggily pressed the volume button to silence it, stretching his arms as he pulled himself upright. After washing his face and changing into a black hoodie, grey joggers, and black sports shoes, he headed to the kitchen to prepare tea for his 'so-called' family members.

As he waited for the water to boil, Soobin's thoughts drifted. Where had it all gone wrong? Everything had been fine when his mother was alive. His stepfather had never treated him this way before. And Jayhoon, his younger stepbrother, used to adore him. Since joining the family, Jayhoon had stuck to Soobin like glue-playing together, sharing meals, going out, even sleeping next to him. But now, everything has changed. Why were they treating him like this? What had he done to deserve this?

The one bright spot in his new life was Yeonjun, his older brother figure. Grateful for Yeonjun's presence, Soobin found solace in their bond.

Lost in thoughts of his guardian angel, Soobin's phone chimed with a text from Yeonjun.

Jjunie hyung

I'll be there within half an hour

I'll be there on time!

"I've got to go now," Soobin muttered to himself. Quickly turning off the stove, he poured the freshly brewed tea into a teapot and set it on the dining table. With a habitual knock on the doors of his stepfather and Jayhoon's rooms, he dashed out of the house.
"I've got to go now," Soobin muttered to himself. Quickly turning off the stove, he poured the freshly brewed tea into a teapot and set it on the dining table. With a habitual knock on the doors of his stepfather and Jayhoon's rooms, he dashed out of the house.

Soobin felt a surge of happiness that words couldn't fully express. He was about to see his hyung after what felt like an eternity!

Soobin felt a surge of happiness that words couldn't fully express. He was about to see his hyung after what felt like an eternity!


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