Chapter 11

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It was Monday, the beginning of another week in their new college life. As the previous Saturday had been a hectic day with accounting work and new student club enrollments, Soobin found himself too occupied to visit the library. The note left for him remained undiscovered, though it didn't cross his mind at all.

Beomgyu, on the other hand, had different concerns. He had visited the library multiple times on Saturday, eagerly hoping for a response from the mysterious person, only to be disappointed each time. When Taehyun and Hueningkai asked why he had spent so much time there, he brushed it off, claiming he was killing time and found the library's atmosphere preferable to their dorm. However, amidst his visits, Beomgyu forgot a crucial task - submitting his club enrollment form.

As they headed towards their classroom, the camaraderie between the three friends was evident, even amidst Beomgyu's panic about his forgotten form.

"Holy Spirit!" Beomgyu suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Taehyun asked, concerned.

"I forgot to submit my club form. It's still in my book!" Beomgyu confessed nervously.

"How could you be so careless? You knew Saturday was the deadline," Kai chided gently.

"I know, okay? I got caught up with something," Beomgyu admitted sheepishly.

"What 'something'?" Kai pressed for an answer.

Beomgyu thought of mentioning the disappointment of not receiving a reply from the person he referred to as 'stupid', but he held back.

"It's nothing important! I'll go and see if I can still submit it," Beomgyu started, but Taehyun interrupted him.

"Without us? What's gotten into you, Beomgyu? Remember our pact to face everything together?" Taehyun questioned.

"Yeah, but this is different. I don't want you both to get involved in my mistake during our first week here. Let me handle it, and I promise I won't leave you behind next time," Beomgyu reasoned.

"Are you planning to create more chaos?" Taehyun teased lightly.

"It's just the beginning, baby!" Beomgyu winked playfully before heading off to the reception to sort out his overlooked paperwork.

When Soobin and Yeonjun arrived at the college, Yeonjun promptly collected his schedule, knowing his day would be packed. Meanwhile, Soobin was making his way towards his office when Miss Chelsea intercepted him.

"Hey Soobin! I have a favor to ask you," she began.

"What is it?" Soobin replied, curious.

"Actually, I need to accompany the principal for some work, and the second receptionist is on his way," she explained.

"So, you need me to cover the reception desk for a while?" Soobin guessed.

"Yes, just until he returns. Can you please help out?" Miss Chelsea requested earnestly.

Soobin considered the request for a moment, weighing his workload and responsibilities. Eventually, he relented with a nod. "Alright, I'll take over for you."

Miss Chelsea thanked him gratefully and hurried off to her assignment, leaving Soobin to manage the reception desk. Little did he anticipate the challenges that awaited him.

As soon as he settled in, Soobin realized that being a receptionist was far from easy. In just twenty minutes, he was bombarded with a multitude of tasks and inquiries. He had to navigate various requests, handle people's moods, and maintain a friendly demeanor throughout.

To Soobin, it quickly became apparent that this role demanded patience, efficiency, and the ability to manage multiple demands simultaneously. Yet, despite the initial overwhelm, he resolved to tackle the job with diligence and professionalism.

As he focused on his tasks, he noticed three boys approaching, each with distinct attitudes. One seemed visibly distressed, nervously biting his nails. Another appeared annoyed with his friend's behavior, trying to discourage it. The third seemed indifferent to the situation unfolding around them. After a brief interaction, the other two left, leaving the distressed boy to approach the reception desk confidently.

Soobin greeted him warmly despite his earlier demeanor, maintaining his professional composure behind his mask.

"How may I help you?" Soobin asked politely as the boy handed him a paper that appeared to be a club enrollment form.

Soobin reviewed the form and noted that the deadline for submissions had passed on Saturday.

"Wasn't the last date to submit the club filling form on Saturday?" Soobin inquired, trying to clarify the situation.

The boy responded coldly, "So? You can submit this now. Thanks."

Soobin was taken aback by the rudeness but remained composed. "I'm sorry, but this can't be accepted now."

"And who are you to reject it?" the boy retorted defiantly.

"I'm responsible for processing these forms and sending confirmation emails," Soobin explained calmly.

"Don't tell me what you do and what you don't! Just take this and I need to leave for my class," the boy snapped impatiently.

Soobin's patience was wearing thin. "Don't you know how to talk? No one is going to accept your form now. You can go and talk to the Principal."

Beomgyu, frustrated with the confrontation, wanted to resolve the situation quickly. He knew he was at fault for missing the deadline but maintained his defensive stance to save face. He glanced around and noticed a stack of submitted forms on the reception desk, sparking an idea.

"Do you even know who I am?" Beomgyu challenged Soobin.

"Why should I know that?" Soobin replied, puzzled by the question.

Beomgyu pressed on, "So you don't know my name, right?"

"Of course not," Soobin affirmed.

Seizing the opportunity, Beomgyu swiftly slipped his form into the middle of the bundled forms, causing a minor disruption.

"Thanks, by the way!" Beomgyu quipped, making a hasty retreat.

Soobin, caught off guard by the maneuver, called after him, "Hey! Wait! What's your name?" but Beomgyu had already disappeared from sight.

"FUCK!!!" Soobin exclaimed in frustration as he surveyed the scattered forms around him, realizing the trick that had been played.


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