Chapter 4

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Yeonjun and Soobin arrived home, with Soobin sneakily glancing at Yeonjun from time to time to gauge his mood. But Yeonjun remained visibly upset-angry, sad, perhaps a mix of emotions. He rang the doorbell, and Jayhoon opened the door cheerfully.

"Oh, Yeonjun hyung! Hello!" Jayhoon greeted him.

"Hi, Hoon! How have you been?" Yeonjun asked, smiling warmly.

"I'm great! What about you, hyung? You came so suddenly!"

"Huh? I asked Soobin to tell uncle that I'm coming," Yeonjun replied, looking at Soobin, who stood silently, staring at the floor, lost in thought. Yeonjun sighed inwardly. "Never mind. Where is uncle?" he asked Jayhoon.

"Oh! Dad went out for a meeting. He'll probably be back by dinner," Jayhoon answered.

"Okay," Yeonjun nodded, then made his way to the living room and settled on the couch. Jayhoon joined him, and Soobin took Yeonjun's bags, placing them nearby.

"So, Hoon! How's your studies going? You're starting college tomorrow, right?" Yeonjun engaged in conversation.

Meanwhile, Soobin went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee for Yeonjun.

"Yes, hyung! I'm really excited," Jayhoon replied eagerly.

"I see-"

"Hyung, water?" Soobin interrupted, holding out a glass of warm water.

Yeonjun looked up gratefully and accepted it. Soobin then disappeared back into the kitchen to bring the coffee he had prepared.

"Which college are you going to, Hoon?" Yeonjun asked Jayhoon.

"To Daegu University."

"Oh! I'll be joining the same college for a few months while I'm here," Yeonjun explained. "Actually, I've been appointed as a dance teacher at a school here in Seoul, and this college is one of their branches. Since their regular dance teacher is away for a judging show, they asked me to fill in. It seemed like a good opportunity to stay with you, your dad, and Soobin for a while."

"Wow! You'll be the dance teacher at my college. I've got something to brag about-your dance moves!" Jayhoon grinned mischievously.

"Stop it, you little rascal," Yeonjun chuckled.

"Hyung, your coffee?" Soobin returned with the coffee and handed it to Yeonjun.

"Thanks, Soobin," Yeonjun said appreciatively.

"I'll go and start preparing dinner. Excuse me," Soobin excused himself and headed back to the kitchen.

"Hyung, let's go to my room," Jayhoon suggested.

"No, no. I'll just rest here for a while. My back is killing me right now," Yeonjun declined.

"Oh, okay. I'll go and talk to my friends about the new college. Call me for dinner, hyung! Bye!" Jayhoon hurried off, seemingly oblivious to Yeonjun's attempt to ask if he would help Soobin.

"This child," Yeonjun muttered to himself, leaning back on the couch. He finished his coffee, then rested his head against the cushion, closing his eyes for a brief rest.

After a refreshing two-hour nap, Yeonjun stirred awake to the tantalizing aroma that teased his senses, reminding him of his rumbling stomach.

Entering the kitchen, he discovered Soobin, a culinary giant, meticulously arranging the freshly cooked dishes into serving bowls.

"Now for the salad, and we're all set!" Soobin announced, dusting his hands and removing his apron.

"You've been cooking all this time by yourself?" Yeonjun asked, rubbing his eyes and pouting slightly in disbelief.

Soobin turned with a smile at the sight of a drowsy Yeonjun. "Indeed," he replied warmly.

"You could have asked for help, from either me or Hoon."

"You seemed so peacefully asleep, hyung, and Hoon..." Soobin chuckled softly. "No matter! Everything's ready now. Would you prefer to freshen up first or dive straight into dinner?"

Yeonjun moved closer, his hunger overriding any sense of weariness.Yeonjun couldn't ignore the urgency of the matter that needed addressing. Despite the pleasant dinner atmosphere, Soobin's avoidance only deepened his concern.

"Hey, I'm starving right now! I'll just wash up and dig in," Yeonjun declared, pulling out a plate and filling it with his favorite dishes.

"Hyung, go sit at the dining table. I'll serve you there," Soobin suggested.

Carrying his plate, Yeonjun settled comfortably at the dining table as Soobin brought over the serving bowls.

"Jayhoon! Dinner's ready," Soobin called out.

"Coming!" Jayhoon's voice echoed from another room.

"He asked me to call him, but I forgot," Soobin admitted with a sheepish grin.

"It's okay, let's eat first," Yeonjun said, already starting on his meal. "Mmm, Soobin, this is delicious! Thanks!"

"I'm glad you like it," Soobin replied warmly.

Yeonjun paused, spoon halfway to his mouth. "Soobin, we still need to talk."

"About what, hyung?" Soobin asked, his smile faltering slightly.

"You don't think I'll forget after a nap and a good meal, do you?" Yeonjun said pointedly, taking a spoonful of fried rice.

Soobin hesitated, then sighed. "Let's talk after dinner, I promise."

"You can't keep avoiding this, Soobin," Yeonjun insisted firmly.

Before Soobin could respond, his father entered the room and settled on the couch. "Get me a glass of water, fast"

"S-sure," Soobin replied hurriedly, fetching a glass and filling it from the jug.

"Hello, Uncle," Yeonjun greeted politely.

"Oh, Yeonjun! Hello," Mr. Choi responded, looking around as he removed his blazer. "What brings you here all of a sudden? Is everything okay?"

Yeonjun glanced at Soobin, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm joining a college here for a few months. I'll be staying with you all."

"Ah, I see," Mr. Choi nodded.

As Jayhoon joined them for dinner, Yeonjun sensed a sudden change in the atmosphere. There was an awkward tension in the air, and he caught a whiff of something unpleasant.

Soobin began serving food to his father and brother, but Yeonjun noticed he hadn't served himself.

"Soobin, aren't you going to eat?" Yeonjun asked, concerned.

"I'll have mine after everyone's finished," Soobin replied with a tight smile.

"Why wait? We need to talk, remember? Come, join us," Yeonjun insisted, motioning for Soobin to sit beside him.

Soobin glanced nervously at his father, then reluctantly took a seat next to Yeonjun, picking up his fork but barely touching his food.

What a sight it was-a family gathered for dinner after a long time. For Soobin, though, the scene was far from harmonious. Yet, to an outsider unaware of their reality, it would appear as a simple and warm family dinner.


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