Chapter 6

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With the ringing of the alarm, Soobin woke up. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm, let out a big yawn, and then stretched his arms. He looked to his left and saw Yeonjun sleeping peacefully, his pouted lips and messy hair covering his eyes. Deciding to let the older one sleep a bit longer, Soobin got off the bed, went to the bathroom, and did his morning routine. When he came out, he noticed Yeonjun's dress hanging near the rack. He took it down, ironed it, and hung it back where it previously was.

Soobin then went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for everyone. He prepared omelets and poured glasses of milk. Returning to the shared room, he called out to Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun hyung! Wake up! You'll be late for your college! Wake up, hyung!" Soobin said, gently pulling Yeonjun by his shoulder.

"I wanna sleep a little more," Yeonjun mumbled.

"No hyung! You'll get late!" Soobin insisted, taking both of Yeonjun's arms and pulling him to make him sit up. "Go and take a shower. I ironed your clothes," he said, pointing towards the hanging dress. "And I prepared breakfast too! So after getting ready, come to the dining table."

"Hmm... Okay," Yeonjun said, rubbing his eyes as he headed to the bathroom.

Yeonjun got ready and was heading towards the dining table when he heard someone shouting. He quickly entered the main door and ran towards the dining table.

"Can't you cook something edible? Always this shitty omelet and milk," Jayhoon was shouting straight into Soobin's face.

"I-I made p-pasta yesterd-" Soobin stuttered.

"So? You could have made something better. A trash can only cook trash," Jayhoon commented.

It was enough for Yeonjun. He couldn't take it anymore.

"JAYHOON!!" Yeonjun yelled, taking steps towards Jayhoon. This made Soobin's eyes go wide.

Shit shit shit!

"How dare you talk to your hyung in such a way?"

"He, he is not my hyung. Just a burden on dad."

"Jayhoon!!" Yeonjun was about to throw his hands on Jayhoon, but Soobin grabbed him by his shoulder just in time.

"No hyung! Don't! Please!"

"Why not, Soobin? He can't misbehave with you. Not at all."

"I'm, I'm used to it, hyung," Soobin said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"So what? They both can do whatever they want to do with you? I'm not gonna let this happen. And Jayhoon? What got into you? You are not the Jayhoon I knew. Definitely not. The Jayhoon I knew used to love his hyung a lot. He didn't leave his side not even for a second, he used to fight with me for his hyung, when he spent more time with me than you. How can you change, Hoon? He is Soobin, your Soobin hyung," Yeonjun said, holding Jayhoon by his shoulders.

"Yeonjun hyung! Please leave! You don't have to explain to me how to treat him," Jayhoon said, loosening himself from Yeonjun's grip.

"Jayhoon, Soobin is not appointed as your or uncle's servant here. It's your duty to help him with the house chores too."

"No! Why would I help him? And if he can't do these house chores, he is totally trash."

"Then you need to pay him for what he did for you two for the past years."

"I'm not in the mood to talk. Please don't ruin my morning. I'm heading to college." With that, Jayhoon left. When he passed by Yeonjun, Yeonjun smelled something shitty, the same smell as last night.

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