Chapter 16

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The three friends stopped at a convenience store on their way home to get ice cream. As they devoured their treats, Beomgyu finally opened up about why he was so upset.

"It's just... I didn't get a note back from my friend," Beomgyu confessed, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Taehyun looked at him sympathetically. "Maybe he just didn't have time to write back today. Don't jump to conclusions, Gyu."

Hueningkai nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe something came up. Give it some time."

Beomgyu sighed, staring at his half-eaten ice cream. "But he took the note. And he always leaves a reply. I shouldn't have asked him to meet," he said, licking the last drop of ice cream from the stick.

Taehyun placed a reassuring hand on Beomgyu's shoulder. "Sometimes people need time to process things. Give him a chance to respond. You did nothing wrong."

Hueningkai smiled. "And if he doesn't reply, it's his loss. You're a great friend, Gyu."

Beomgyu smiled at his friends, grateful for their efforts to keep him positive and free from guilt.

After dropping his friends off at their respective homes, Beomgyu drove towards his own apartment. His mind remained preoccupied with thoughts about the note and his friend, unable to shake the lingering worry.

After arriving at his apartment, Beomgyu was met with an unexpected sight. All of his belongings had been thrown out, scattered haphazardly in front of his door. He stood there, unable to process what was happening.

He started looking around, and when he reached for the door, he found it was locked.

"Who the fu-" Beomgyu started, his voice tense with anger, but he was cut off by a voice coming from the stairs.

"I've had enough of you, Beomgyu. This is the last straw. Collect your stuff and get out of here," his landlord, Mr. Kim, spoke angrily as he ascended the stairs.

Beomgyu's heart sank as he stared at the mess of his belongings strewn across the hallway.

He looked at his landlord with disbelief. "But what's wrong? Why are you kicking me out? I've never been late with rent!" Beomgyu exclaimed, his voice filled with confusion and frustration.

Mr. Kim paused midway down the stairs, turning to face Beomgyu with a hardened expression. "Beomgyu, you barely stay here. Always coming in late at night, causing disturbances. I've had complaints from neighbours. This is a quiet building, and decent families live here. You could be a bad impression on their children," he accused, gesturing towards the scattered belongings. "I've warned you multiple times. I can't have this anymore."

Beomgyu's mind raced, trying to process the sudden turn of events. "Please, Mr. Kim, there must be some misunderstanding. I can fix whatever issues there are. Just give me a chance," he pleaded desperately, his voice cracking with emotion.

Mr. Kim remained unmoved, shaking his head firmly. "I've made my decision. You have until tomorrow morning to vacate," he reiterated, then turned and continued down the stairs, leaving Beomgyu standing in disbelief outside his own apartment.

This accusation made Beomgyu furious. "You don't have to wait until morning. I'm leaving right now!" he shouted angrily at his landlord, frustration and hurt evident in his voice. Without waiting for a response, he began hastily collecting his scattered belongings.

Beomgyu stuffed all his belongings into the back of his car, carefully placing fragile items in the backseat and his guitar on the passenger seat. He got into the car, gripping the steering wheel tightly, and finally let out a loud, frustrated scream that he had kept bottled up for so long.

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