Chapter 1

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Lightbulb's POV:  I woke up one morning, getting a email from my school. Apparently, I'm gonna show a tour with the new kid! I was so happy I have a chance to meet a new friend! I squealed with excitement and quickly got ready for school.

Once I arrived, I was greeted by Test Tube and Fan. Test Tube and Fan are my best friends in the whole school! We've known each other since 6th grade.  We've never broke apart since then,

"Hey guys!" [Lightbulb]

"Hi Lightbulb!" [Test Tube]

"I won't be able to show up in class for the first period." [Lightbulb]

Fan looked up his phone,
"Why not?" [Fan]

"Cause we got a new student today!~ And guess what, I'm going to give them a tour around the school!" [Lightbulb]

"Since when did we have a new student?! I gotta
update this in my blog now!" [Fan]

Fan rapidly typed away on his phone. Fan has always been addicted to his phone. I never really understood why, but he always talks about his blog.

Test Tube glances at Fan, and sighs,
"I'll see you in 2nd Period then." [Test Tube]

"Alright, see ya!!" [Lightbulb]

I waved goodbye to them and headed towards the principal's office. As I entered, I noticed a tall, blonde, boy....girl..? I can't tell yet. I waved at them, although they didn't respond and glanced the other way. Seems like they were trying to avoid me..?

Paintbrush's POV: I ignored her, looking back at Mephone. He introduced Lightbulb to me,

"This is Lightbulb, she's going to be your tour guide, she'll be showing you everywhere in here! You can introduce yourself while exploring around the school. Once you come back, you'll get your schedule and locker number. Enjoy the tour." [Mephone]

We walked out of the principal's office,

"Hello! Nice to meet-cha!~What's your name?" [Lightbulb]

"Paintbrush." [Paintbrush]

"Alright Painty! Let's get this over as soon as possible!" [Lightbulb]

Painty..? Why did she already give me a nickname? We aren't even friends yet. I don't really want to gain friends this year, at least not too much like last year. Although, I was kicked because my "friends" kept insulting me...and my anger issues really didn't help the situation. I just hope that doesn't happen this year as well. Lightbulb introduces me to each class. She also talks about herself- though most of it was just about her friends.


It was a very awkward, especially for Lightbulb since she had already finished chatting, the only thing she was curious about was Paintbrush. They were about to be done with the tour anyways, so might as well get to know them,

"So, what brings you here?" [Lightbulb]

"Nothing much, I technically don't want to be here, but I'm also practically forced since I was kicked out of my school." [Paintbrush]

"What for..?" [Lightbulb]

"I- I don't wanna talk about it.." [Paintbrush]

"Oh, well we arrived at the last room, the Art Room!" [Lightbulb]

The Art Room, it was messy but it was completely beautiful for Paintbrush. It did have many stained paint on the tables, but it WAS art class anyways. Paintbrush was roaming around the room with excitement all over their face. They absolutely loved art, especially since you can come up with creativity and imagination with a single piece of paper. Paintbrush looked through all the supplies and brushes, looking around the classroom. Lightbulb noticed how energetic they were getting,

"So you like art? I mean, I should've expected that, cause you literally ARE a paintbrush." [Lightbulb]

'That was such a dumb thing to say- why did I say that..' [Lightbulb muttered]


Paintbrush's POV: After the tour, I headed to Mephone's office again. Lightbulb had already went to class. I entered the office with a click, startling Mephone a bit. Mephone quickly fixed his posture,

"So, how was the tour?" [Mephone]

"It was fine." [Paintbrush]

Mephone got a sheet of paper out of his drawer,

"Here's your schedule for this year." [Mephone]

I walked out of the room and checked my list. Writing, History, Technology, Art, and Math. Why does the worst class have to be last?! I looked at the clock, I had to wait until the first class was over. I checked my schedule again, locker 46. I hurry towards my locker, and it just happened to be right next to Lightbulb's locker. I put my bag away and grabbed my supplies for next class before the bell rang.

[755 words] MY FIRST CHAPER DONE‼️😋

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