Chapter 6

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Fan's POV: I was heading toward my next class, Technology, but I noticed Lightbulb holding a crab. How did she even get that? I decided to ignore it for now and walked to class.

Technology, my favorite class! I usually sit next to Microphone and Apple. Microphone is always calm and uses her time nicely. She always has her headphones on, only during classes. Her music is definitely loud, I can hear it through her headphones. It's kinda distracting, but hey, she has good music taste. Sadly none of them are Spoiled Lemon songs.

Apple should definitely take writing class. She has a hard time spelling, especially without her friend. She asks the teacher to come almost ever single second. I'm basically forced to hear their conversation, since I sit next to her. Since today was one of those 'free days', we're able to sit wherever we want. I decided to finally search about Paintbrush. I was gonna do it yesterday, but I fell asleep while doing homework.

I moved to the most private part of the room, the back row. Opened up my laptop, and began typing 'Paintbrush' at the search bar. The first thing that popped up is, 'School Caught on Fire by a Student.' What does that have to do with Paintbrush..? I clicked on the site and scrolled all the way down to the summary. ' School's talented artist, Paintbrush, has caused a fire due to his temper. The few students have evacuated safely, some have major injuries. The school had a quarter of it burned off into ashes. Paintbrush was suspended from the school, nobody knows where he went next.'

I almost collapsed after reading that. I tried to recover on what I had just read. Okay so, Paintbrush is a guy... AND HE CAUSED A SCHOOL TO BURST INTO FLAMES?! Gosh, I never knew someone would do something like that..! I might have to talk to Lightbulb about this, maybe she'll rethink her choice.. I'm kinda nervous for him to be part of our group.

Once Tech ended, I headed toward Lightbulb, talking with Test Tube. I don't see Paintbrush anywhere, so I'm pretty sure I'm safe..? I poked Lightbulb on the shoulder, she turned around,

"Hey Lightbulb, could I talk to you for a sec?" [Fan]
"Yeah sure!" [Lightbulb]

She turned to Test Tube and waved goodbye to her.

"Take care of Baxter for me, Test Tube. (she gave Test Tube her crab) See ya later!!" [Lightbulb]

I drag Lightbulb to the bathroom (not gender type ones).

"So, what-cha wanna talk about?" [Lightbulb]

"It's about.. Paintbrush." [Fan]

"What about them? What did they do?" [Lightbulb]

"Correction, he, and well.. I was trying to find more about this Paintbrush guy- I found a article about a school catching on fire." [Fan]

"What does that have to do with Painty..?" [Lightbulb]

"That's what I thought too! But once I read the summary, he was the reason the school was burnt down!" [Fan]

"Huh, so that's why he didn't want to tell me..-" [Lightbulb]

Paintbrush's POV: I heard some talking while I was getting a drink from the fountain.

"-...ticle about a school catching on fire.-"

Oh no.


[554 words] IM SO SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN SO LONG.. I was sick for a few days 🙁 also don't think I'm gonna say Paintbrush is a he/him for the whole story

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