Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV: Paintbrush was laying on the floor, their arms still covered in scars. The scene was traumatizing for Fan, seeing the bloody knife and bandages on the floor.




Tears started to overflow Fan's eyes. It started leaking out by itself, Fan couldn't stop it. His voice started cracking. He called Test Tube over, maybe she'll know what to do. He quickly called her, still shaken by the image.






"-Hello..?" [Test Tube]

"T-Testy..! Please- Please come over to Paintbrush's house now-!" [Fan]

"Fan-? Is something wrong?" [Test Tube]

"I'll explain later.. just hurry up-!" [Fan]

He hanged Test Tube up, he looked back at Paintbrush. His tears started swelling up again, his hands were shaking as he approached them. He raised Paintbrush up, struggling a bit. He grab hold onto their body, slowly making his way to the couch. He lets Paintbrush lay down on the sofa, getting a blanket to cover Paintbrush's arm. Fan looks around for bandages, almost finding them immediately.

He runs over and quickly wraps them around their scars, he had to move the blanket aside in order to see clearly. But then, he got interrupted by Test Tube slamming the door open..

"IM HERE FAN-!" She looks at Fan, who had paused by her sudden appearance, "What are you doing to Paintbrush..?" [Test Tube]

"I- okay.. I'll tell you, just please don't tell Lightbulb, I don't want her to worry too.." [Fan]

He continues wrapping their arms, while telling Test Tube at the same time. She just stood, concerned about Paintbrush's mental health. After Fan finished, he covered Paintbrush with the blanket he got, finishing his explanation.

"-And that's why I'm covering their scars.." [Fan]

"Oh my golly... that really happened for the past few days?!" [Test Tube]

"Yep... but that's not the main reason I have you here, I kinda just wanted to to check on Paintbrush. When I first came to their house, they were on the floor... I didn't check if they were dead or anything and I was just panicking at the time so I just called you..!" [Fan]

"I guess I could..." [Test Tube]

Test Tube walked over to Paintbrush's body, checking their pulse and scratches. She looked over to Fan and told him about Paintbrush's condition,

"Good news, Paintbrush isn't dead, they're just unconscious..! But one question, what drove Paintbrush into this..?" [Test Tube]

"Well- here's the thing, I don't know.. I was gonna ask them about it today-! But, here we are.." [Fan]

"When exactly did they start it..?" [Test Tube]

"They started yesterday, they didn't want me to tell any of you, especially Lightbulb.. I know I should've told you about it but I didn't want to lose their trust! They already lost their trust on everyone else.." [Fan]

"Don't worry Fan, I understand." [Test Tube]

"So you'll promise not to tell Lightbulb..?" [Fan]

"Promise." [Test Tube]

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