Chapter 20

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a/n for one specific person (im looking at you reid): I hope u enjoy this fluff!!!!!! I worked really hard on it 🤗🤗🤗
love u 😽😽😽😽😽


[CONTENT WARNING AGAIN: comedy gold yahoo] I don't even know if I should give a warning for this ermmmm 😵

[Trophy's POV:]

Yesterday was- rather odd. Why did Knife get up when he saw Paintbrush hurt? He rarely stands up for people, but why Paintbrush? That bastard deserves nothing. It's- making me suspicious about the both of them..

Ignoring that- usually, every morning, I would usually make my favorite shake; Banana Blast. Though, I don't really have the motivation for that. I don't have motivation at all, I couldn't even do my homework. Though, there's nothing to do after school. I know it's technically a 'break', but I don't have any other thoughts...

Should I hang out with that Cheesy twerp? objects would tease me about it. Though, Cheesy isn't that of an bad option.
I don't even know if I should hang out with Knife, I don't really like him anyway. And everyone else? Absolutely not. They're all a mess, it's annoying.


I guess Cheesy really is my only option.


I sat down on my desk, thinking about what we should do. Of course, we sorta already met at the café, which- wasn't intended. I fidgeted with my nearby pen, chewing on it as I kept thinking.

Would the café work again..? No, of course not..
Maybe I could have something similar?


I kept tapping my pen, what's something similar to a café?

Oh.. right-!

A picnic!

As soon as I got the idea, I immediately started packing up. I know I have homework, but it's better to procrastinate than actually finishing it. I packed up a blanket, paper plates, and paper cups. I shoved them in a basket... it didn't fit though. I removed the cups away, they probably weren't that important anyway.

Now, the foods. I honestly have no problem with cooking, I don't want to admit it publicly, but it's a great hobby of mine. I'm not willing to make anything- extraordinary, since this was just a picnic of course. It's not like it's a date or anything! I chuckle to myself as I got out a four bread and peanut butter and jelly jars. I grabbed a small knife from the drawer, swiping the peanut butter against the bread. I then swiped the jelly against the other bread piece. I put them in a ziplock bag, just in case. You'll never know if there's an accident. I gently placed them in the basket and then carried the basket as I walked out of my house.

But before I left, I paused. I looked at my camera.. wouldn't it be nice to make a memory for myself..? I mean- I rarely hang out with people after school. I quickly walked towards my camera, wrapping the camera around me as I walked out of the door.


As I carried the basket in my hands, I looked for the café 'we both accidentally saw each other in', it was close to my house, which was great. I expected Cheesy to be in here, so, might as well check.

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