Chapter 7

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Paintbrush's POV: I decided to peek inside the bathroom,

"What does that have to do with Painty..?" [Lightbulb]

"That's what I thought too! But once I read the summary, he was the reason the school was burnt down!" [Fan]

First of all,-he? I should've told them I was non-binary from the start. Second, how does he know about my school..?!

"Huh, so that's why he didn't want to tell me..-" [Lightbulb]

"Tell you about wh-" [Fan]

I walk in the room.

3rd Person POV: Paintbrush glares at Fan,

"OH! Uh..- hey buddy..!" [Fan]

"You're not fooling me Fan, I heard about my school." [Paintbrush]

Fan didn't respond. He just stood there, anxious.

"Fan. Why did you talk about my school." [Paintbrush]

"I'm- I'm just gonna stay out of this..-" [Lightbulb]

Lightbulb made her way towards the exit.

"I just.. I just wanted to get more info about you, and then I found this article and decided to read it-" [Fan]

"If you wanted to know me, YOU COULD'VE JUST ASKED!" [Paintbrush]

"I just wanted to search up on the internet, it's a lot more easier! Also, I was in a middle of class when I searched you up! I wouldn't be able to leave until class was over..!" [Fan]


"IT WAS A ACCIDENT. It was all because of my stupid temper..!" [Paintbrush]

"So you just had to set it on fire?! That caused many people to get injured in that fire!" [Fan]

"I just wanted things to change. I never wanted to hurt anyone in the first place. It was obvious that people hated me back then, since I burned nearly their entire school down. I just wish I apologized to everyone at the school, but I decided to yell at them instead for suspending me. It was a horrible mistake, it made people hate me more." [Paintbrush]

Fan looked a Paintbrush, worried. He never would've expected this to come out of Paintbrush's mouth. Paintbrush just looked to the side, trying to ignore Fan's expression.

"I just wanted this year to be different and forget my past mistakes." [Paintbrush]

"Wow,-uh.. I'm sorry about that. It was definitely something private of yours. I should've asked you in the first place instead." [Fan]

"It's fine, though, why didn't you ask before searching me up?" [Paintbrush]

"I'm not that good with socializing.. I just judge them based off actions and personality. That's how I get most of the info on everyone." [Fan]

"I forgot to mention, I don't go by he/him. I'm nonbinary, I go by they/them." [Paintbrush]

"Oh oops.. We should tell the others before they start calling you a boy." [Fan]

They both exit out of the bathroom, seeing Lightbulb sitting down on wooden bench. Once Lightbulb noticed them, she walks towards them,

"So...what happened?" [Lightbulb]

"Well I just apologized for my actions, but I did manage to get one thing wrong.." [Fan]

Fan looks over to Paintbrush,

"Oh- right, I'm actually nonbinary and Fan misinformed me as a boy. I use they/them pronouns, not he/him." [Paintbrush]

"I KNEW IT WASN'T HE/HIM! In your face, Fan!"[Lightbulb]

"Yeah-Yeah, I just got one simple mistake. No need to show it off.." [Fan]

The bell rings,

"It's time for lunch! Cmon guys!!" [Lightbulb]

The three head over to the cafeteria, they soon get greeted by Test Tube. Surprisingly, Test Tube still had Baxter in her hands, who was sleeping on her palms.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" [Test Tube]

'Should we tell her..?' [Lightbulb whispered to Fan and Paintbrush.]

They both shook their heads,

"Uh- nothing much! Fan had trouble opening his locker and Paintbrush had to punch it open." [Lightbulb]

Fan and Paintbrush stare at her, confused,

"Well, you could've simply just asked. I would be glad to help, you should've asked me before you damaged your locker! (She sighs) Let's just get lunch." [Test Tube]

[710 words] IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR SO LONG, school is a dumpster fire to me. I've been very busy lately so I kinda don't have the time to write.😞

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