Chapter 17

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A/N, skip if you wanna!: okay ermmm just gonna drop this here....!!!

wrote this comment in chap 16 but like, not a lot of ppl saw it so I'm just gonna put it here {:')(this is directed to some people)

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wrote this comment in chap 16 but like, not a lot of ppl saw it so I'm just gonna put it here {:')
(this is directed to some people)

ALSO, if you guys need to find more ii fics, look at my reading lists!!1!1! Got tons to choose from, honestly. (yall got 586 fics, soo you should have enough) :')
(Most of them are unfinished, but if you want finished/discontinued fics, look at the
'yayay finished these 💪😍' list!!)
But all the fics are in the 'yay I read these' 😛list!
Just saying cause I got so much to share :')

ALSO, ALSO, KnifeBrush, Nickloon, and Taco x Lightbulb x Suitcase is a thing here!!!
(just a reminder)
I really wanna add more conflict so... yeah!!! ok, enjoy reading!!!


Paintbrush's POV: I woke up, today was the day. I was going to apologize for what I've done, even though I don't like talking about it.. I got up, stretching my back and legs, wiping my eyes to remove the tiredness. I went to the bathroom, replacing my bandages again. I got out a toothbrush and brushed my teeth gently, spitting out the access. I splashed water in my face, I'm still trying to remove my sleepiness. I brush my bristles neatly, getting the perfect look for it. After feeling satisfied, I walk out the restroom.

I still can't believe I'm doing this, I haven't seen my 'friends' in a few months, since they didn't want to see me.. I really didn't want to do this, I could've just avoided it all if I didn't release my anger out..

I got out my scarf, wrapping it along my 'neck' and went outside into the cold breezy winter.

3rd Person POV: Paintbrush walked to the nearest cafe, they decided to get coffee to boost up their mood. There wasn't really any coffee near their house, it was rather a long walk instead. They shivered in the cold, the scarf didn't help at all. Paintbrush managed to walk all the way there, even though it wasn't really worth for a cup of coffee.

A bell ringed as they went inside, making Paintbrush startle a bit.

"Hello! How may I-" [???]

Paintbrush turned around, noticing two cashiers, one marshmallow and apple.

"Oh. It's you." [Marshmallow]

She glared at Paintbrush, Apple looked at her confusingly before greeting Paintbrush.

"Heya! What would you like to get?" [Apple]

Apple smiled brightly, shaking Paintbrush's hand rapidly. Paintbrush immediately took their hand back,

"Hey, I'd like a small espresso..!- Please.." [Paintbrush]
"One espresso coming right up!" [Apple]

Apple ran back to the 'employees only' door, leaving Paintbrush and Marshmallow alone together.

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