Chapter 12

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(This chapter takes place AFTER the argument)

Lightbulb's POV: I slowly walk out of their house, I never expected Painty to- to lash out like that.. I-I need to stay away for them, I'm pretty sure they'll be upset if I'm there.- Maybe I should talk to Tube..? That'll probably cheer me up, or at least make me feel a bit better.. As I walked in the cold weather, my hands freezing up for not bringing a scarf. I hold onto my phone, my hands shaking slightly. My tears are stinging with coldness, my lip is shivering.

I look over to my phone, quickly inserting my password. I scroll through my list of contacts and found Test Tube's, I immediately call her through the shivering coldness surrounding me.





"Jeebweezers! Sorry, I'm busy with some-"

I call her again...


and again..


and again...


"Jeebweezers! Sorry, I'm busy with some-"

It always ends in her voicemail... should I just go to her? She does have Baxter too, I need to pick him up.


I'll just go to her house..


Test Tube's POV: I was busy making my project, I should've been done with it yesterday.... But I wasn't able to focus after that whole running thing happening.. and also because Fan wanted to hang out with me after that day. Fan's with me right now, he's deciding weather or not to post about yesterday- even though Paintbrush told him not to, (he knows, it's just really tempting.) I hear a knock on my door,

"Someone's knocking on your door!" [Fan]

"I know Fan, but I'm quite busy at the moment. Could you open it for me..?" [Test Tube]

"Alright." [Fan]

Fan opens the door, just to see a glowing lightbulb, probably for warmth. Lightbulb was shivering, a lot.. Did something happen...?

"Gosh.. Lightbulb, you don't look so good.. Want some hot cocoa?" [Fan]

"Y-Yeah that'll be g-good.." [Lightbulb]

"I'll get that ready for you. You can lay down on the couch meanwhile!" [Fan]

Lightbulb stares at me with widened eyes,

"W-Why didn't you answer me?!" [Lightbulb]

Tears started to roll down her face,

"Ah!- Jeez Lightbulb, sorry. I was busy with-" [Test

"-And you couldn't just talk to me for a few minutes?!? I called you multiple time-! Just for it to end in your voicemail!" [Lightbulb]

*Test Tube checks her phone*

*Missing Call: Lightbulb ⭐️*
*Missing Call: Lightbulb ⭐️*
*Missing Call: Lightbulb ⭐️*
*Missing Call: Lightbulb ⭐️*

My phone was on silent the whole time. I didn't even notice.. or did I turn it on once I started my project..?

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