Chapter 9

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Lightbulb's POV: Jeez, missing lunch for one day isn't that bad, (at least I hope it isn't). Anyways, about to head over to a popular girl that my friend punched! Forgot to mention, but I'm also giving her tooth back. A TOOTH! Either way, someone had to do it. I can already tell it's gonna be awkward conversation...

Why did Painty do that in the first place? It was just a bruise, of course. Sure, I mean, the post did gain a lot of likes in just a few minutes, but you shouldn't punch someone for that! I wonder why they don't like attention, maybe it was because of their other school? That could be a possibility..! Or-

I accidentally hit my head to a wall.. Gosh, I should really focus on where I'm going. All I've been doing is walking straight! I "speed-walk" my way to the bathroom, I'm pretty sure that's what Painty told me where they'll be after that happened. I walk inside inside the bathroom and it seems like Painty was correct! There they are, trying to cover the cracks with glue.

3rd Person POV: Lightbulb came in with Salt's tooth,

"Uh, excuse me Salt?" [Lightbulb]

Lightbulb caught Salt's attention,
"Do you want your tooth back..?" [Lightbulb]

"Obviously not, why would I want it? You can throw it in the garbage." [Salt]

"I have to keep it anyways, Test Tube wanted me to hold onto it." [Lightbulb]

"I'm not gonna ask why.." [Salt]

"Salty Salt! I'm done covering it, let's get outta here." [Pepper]

The two were about to walk out before Salt randomly stopped,
"Wait Pepper, I gotta ask one question." [Salt]

Lightbulb was a bit nervous, she never really had a actual conversation with Salt.

"Why did your friend punch me? Like- it was just a post, nothing to worry about." [Salt]

"Uh.. I don't really know at the moment.. Although, I do feel like it had to do with something of their other schoo-" [Lightbulb]

Lightbulb quickly covered her mouth before she said another word,

"Sorry, did you say OTHER school..?" [Salt]

"" [Lightbulb]

"You're speaking really slowly, you obviously said other school. Come on, spill the tea!" [Pepper]

Lightbulb had absolutely no idea what to say next, she couldn't really leave since they were blocking the door. The only choice she has is to tell them.. She can't really make a excuse, they'll know that it's a lie.

"*sigh* Well, Fan never really told me which school.." [Lightbulb]

"Well then, what DID he say?" [Pepper]

"The only thing he told me is that their school caught on fire...." [Lightbulb]

"Didn't that happen recently? Did Paintbrush cause that?!" [Salt]


Lightbulb frantically looked around the room, trying to find solutions to get out of this situation. There was only one thing, make a run for it. She ran, only to be pulled back by both Salt and Pepper.

"Can't run away from us! SO SPILL." [Salt]

"Uh..." [Lightbulb]

"We don't have all day! Hurry up, I'm getting impatient..!" [Pepper]

"*sigh*, it was supposed to be a secret but you guys wouldn't let me go! But.. yeah, they did cause the whole fire.." [Lightbulb]

"Is that so..?" [Salt]

Lightbulb slowly nodded her head, wishing that she wasn't forced to do this.. feeling guilty about everything.

"Ooo~ okay, thanks for the info!!~ 'Salt, let's post about this'" [Pepper (she whispered that last part)]

Salt nodded her head with agreement, the two girls left the bathroom, leaving Lightbulb alone in concern. Lightbulb didn't hear their whispers, she's worried what they're gonna do with that information.

Lightbulb realized that she's been gone for a while. She rushed back to the cafeteria.


When she arrived, it was a total mess. Paintbrush and Trophy were fighting again, Test Tube and Fan being held by Knife and Baseball.

"Don't even know why you saved your friends, trying to look tough or somethin'. Punching those girls was seriously just stupid." [Trophy]

"I wasn't even trying to look tough, honestly, those two deserved it." [Paintbrush]

Trophy tried hitting Paintbrush, they dodged it easily. Then, they both just immediately wrestled with each other. Lightbulb buds in, trying to stop from this fight happening.

"Guys!- I mean, pals! Stop fighting, it's not gonna solve anything-" [Lightbulb]

Lightbulb was interrupted by a punch, from Trophy. Trophy had punched Lightbulb out of the way.

"Don't get involved, weakling." [Trophy]



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